hey, fishstick- we gotta talk. look at that- each photo costs a fortune to suppress. and then, naturally, they pop up on the net. camera moves in on abe's breathing apparatus. it's sleek, more modern, fitting snugly to his gills and neck. his goggles are new, too. he examines a photo of hellboy bounding down a city street, brandishing his mighty, high-caliber samaritan. he's looking straight at the camera lens. i know- it's not just the money. it's the provocation. this is asking for trouble. his ego- manning leans close to a voice-recognition security mike. "man-ning" he enunciates each syllable perfectly, then turns to abe. -is out of control. and i think it's all deliberate on his part. how are things between him and liz? oh, jeez- did you see the crowds? he offers hb a couple of cigars and lights one for him. this is midtown manhattan. will you promise to be careful? you'll use discretion? the situation is completely under control. earlier tonight, customs agents discovered a few illegally imported items. this caused a minor confrontation. the reporters go wild with questions. federal agents have now taken over the premises. we ask that you all step back- manning basks in the flashbulb glow and acknowledges a pretty young reporter. hey guys, hey guys, come back!! aw- this is a disaster! a disaster- you hear?? worse than cheney with a shotgun. only liz- don't bother starting a fan club. it's trending five to one against us. you really did it this time- i'm under review. but so are you- as of today, there's a new team leader. yes- you heard me. a new team leader. we're to meet him at the conference room at 0900- now. oh- i never did- but after last night, washington wants a new public face for the bprd- or mine??? the press loves me!! but now you've ruined it all- how would i know? evidently, he's quite the big shot- his name is johann kraus- i guess they need a nice open face- a face people can trust. finally, next to steel cage, they meet- johann kraus: about 6' tall, dressed in a canvas containment suit full of tubes and taps. his hands are encased in thick latex gloves with exit valves at the fingertips and his head. oh, my god- may i suggest that tonight you refrain from signing autographs. you think that's what this is about? transportation??? looking at what, for goodness sake-? what do these things do-? liz starts locking and unlocking a series of lenses and prisms. both abe and johan wear similar gear. let's get out of here- we're never going to find it- that? oh, please, she looks as sweet as she can- oh, dear lord. "she??" that's a "she"????? so- perfect- so peaceful- what? what? what is he doing-? an elem- oh, and is it that bad?? kkkrrrrchtch!!!!! the tree trunk rumbles and shakes under some enormous force. huge leaves tumble to the street. even the ever-present news crews back away as a huge shape descends. boom!! the trunk rips in two, revealing a curled, dormant this is a whole new ballgame and i want you to take my lead. maybe so, maybe so- but they look- hip. a gift from general motors. one for each of you. each hummer has custom paint: hellboy's with scenes of dante's inferno, liz's with flames and abe's with an underwater vista. an american custom, it's called product placement! what's the harm? every agent on the field is on the case. they will solve it-- hellboy signs a color photo of himself with a flourish. can you do anything about this. uh. -double chin? why not? but- believe me- i'm not normal at all. washington, d.c., jay. it's hot and inhospitable to human life. what in god's name- ? hellboy, abe, liz and johann race past him, disappearing into the building. the alarm bells are deafening. even if you're right, we sit tight and locate the gold piece, make sure he never ever gets his hands on it. if there's any truth to this legend, the fate of the world depends on it. got it - ow! he burns his fingers on the coffee as he hurries after the agents. not all of them, it's not possible! what? what, exactly is this? come on. you're resigning? liz -- not you, too!? they can't do this. stop them, johann-