what they do is in their nature. we must honor our side of the agreement- yrdrig!! yrdrig, a hellhound the size of a tank, jumps out from an alcove. he has multiple heads, all of them ferocious. in seconds, he's upon the trolls. each of his many mouths tears into green flesh, lifting and shaking the helpless monsters like rag dolls. the princess slips through a secret door. if you are looking for your weapons, my guards took them. abe turns to face the princess, who stands only a few feet away. she has cast off her dingy cloak and is radiant in fine silk robes. she is feeding slices of fruit to a cage of large, featherless reptile. birds. why were you following me? abe is ashamed to realize the real answer. he's utterly beguiled by her. are you seeking to join my brother? in his revolt against the humans? then answer me truthfully- why were you following me? give me your hand. abe complies, thrilled as she runs her fingers over his palm. the princess' face brightens. she smiles and gestures for the yrdrig to yield. down yrdrig - he's a friend. the yrdrig jumps on abe and starts licking him with all three tongues. yrdrig's really just a puppy. the drooling beast pins abe to the floor with one paw. my father gave him to me. yrdrig, leave our guest alone- the yrdrig drops abe onto the floor. out! out! bad yrdrig! as the animal skulks away, she helps abe up- my name is princess nuala. may i apologize, mr. sapien, for the manner in which we brought you here. couldn't be too sure. she offers him the locator belt. and under diplomatic immunity - may i seek asylum?? and that was my royal guard. where did you get this? in ancient times a seal like this was delivered to the enemy as a declaration of war. a signal from the underground realm to the entire world. it prefaced the awakening of the golden army- johann sits down heavily. not a tale- at the dawn of time. even before the great flood, man and the children of the earth shared this planet. but as man in his greed expanded his dominion, there ensued a bitter war. my father had it destroyed. cut into three pieces. one for mankind. she holds up her piece of the puzzle, which dangles from a chain around her neck. two for the sons of the earth. i'm afraid it's the other way around. she holds the cylinder she purchased. the location of the golden army is contained within this cylinder-- she opens it and produces a parchment hidden inside. she extends it: the map just shows three coordinates. but nothing else- she rolls back the map into the cylinder. so far, this is a family matter. to intervene will bring nothing but trouble. no- not that way. too risky- they're lost in unfamiliar alleys and byways. until- "i sometimes have a queer feeling - especially when you are near me, as now: it is as if i had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame." "i am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then i've a nervous notion i should take to bleeding inwardly." she closes the book, looking troubled. this "jane eyre". i understand it's only a story, but such a tie that binds, it exists between me and my brother. i assure you: my brother, he's not dead- we are twins. even now, i can sense his presence. this has been our way since we were young children, in renvyle- you were very brave, vouching for me. how do you know i'm not the enemy, bringing me here? shhh, it's all right - boom-! a jolt shakes the room. a-moment later, a wall collapses as warty, heavily muscled arms and fingers tear at the masonry! in seconds, a squad of trolls pulls itself into view! wink leers at the princess. from her waistband, she produces a long, thin dagger and wields it timidly. somewhere in the building, alarms start clanging. the yrdrig shakes himself into action and springs. with a snarl, it attaches its several jaws onto the nearest trolls. as the fighting creatures crash into the spiral staircase, the princess hears a familiar voice: no! mr. sapien, don't! he'll kill you! no!! he is anung-un-rma- son of the fallen one- he has the right! her eyes lock with abe's: there's no other way. the prince sees hellboy coming and with a bitter smile picks up his sword. we'll find each other again, somewhere. and she dies in his arms. in the center of the arena: