agent john t. myers, kansas city, 76. "t" stands for thaddeus, mother's older brother. scar on your chin happened when you were ten, you still wonder if it's ever going to fade away. story of my life. you mean, outside. with her. nothing psychic about it. you're easy. liz left us, red. take the hint. behind this door. a dark entity -- evil, ancient and hungry. red, i found something -- there's not much here: the entity's name is sammael, the desolate one, son of nergal -- no, listen this: sammael, the desolate one, lord of the shadows, son of nergal -- i need to touch it to "see". the past, the future, whatever this object holds. don't worry about fingerprints. i never had any. they were over here, professor. professor? you -- are very sick -- you were burned by some organic acid. red. how long was it latched onto you? professor. touched you five seconds. laid three eggs. the eggs are very sensitive to heat and light. they need a humid, dark environment to breed. yes, you are. there's a pulse. and it's coming from -- there -- cistern on the other side. most of the eggs are there -- i'm glad i'm not human. this place would be an embarrassment. remind me why i keep doing this. oh, right -- listen -- i'm not much of a problem solver. three decades and i've only gotten two sides. but i know this much: if there's trouble -- all we have is each other. and i'm stuck here. so -- take care of the big monkey for me, will you?