those comics -- they never got the eyes right. what's with the hair, clay?? finally got those implants?? who's the squirt? got tired of me? i don't want him. father's back? still angry? i wanted to see her. it's nobody's business. "myers", huh? you have a first name?? whatcha looking at, john?? hey, hey, hey. they're playing our song. c'mon, champ! happy halloween!!! you're taking me for a walk! look at them ugly suckers, blue. one sheet of glass between them and us. i break it, they see us, happy halloween. no more hiding. outside. i could be outside -- don't get psychic with me. how am i ever gonna get a girl?? i drive around in a garbage truck we don't take hints. hold on -- hold on -- i thought we checked this place. fakes, and reproductions. father? who wards off demons. reliquary -- would'ya look at this babies? made 'em myself. holy water, silver shavings, white oak: the works. oh, well. lemme go in and say "hi". blue: it stinks in here -- finely aged roadkill. hey. stinky. kitchen's closed. whatcha havin'? six library guards, raw? plus belts and boots? man, you're gonna need some heavy fiber to move that out -- hold it -- hey, sammy, whaddayasay we work this out?? peacefully. i'm not a great shot, but -- "the samaritan" here, uses really big bullets, so whadyasay we work this out? that's all for you, sammy. nah -- he's taken care of. see? i don't like that -- skip to the end, willya? how do i kill it -- ? that voice -- don't tell me, it's zeppo. what do you think you're doing?? no one ever helps me. it's my job. damn -- okay. here -- -- then load this. it's a tracking bullet. crack the pin. load it. lemme go ask -- are you okay? good. stay here. waiting for me, sammy? uh-oh -- between a rock and a hard place -- aw, crap -- hey! hey! i'm on your side!! aw, i forgot -- screw you. i'm fireproof. you weren't. myers??? how's your arm? i just fried stinky. tell father i'll be home. he shouldn't wait up. no, no, no, it's fine: i do my job, i take a break. myers? goodbye. uh, i brought beer. just a scratch. i wanted to see you. we miss you at the bureau. abe's crazier every day. and father's still mad at me -- come back, liz. come back. i -- the nanny squad. goodnight, then. yeah, i gotta go, too. lots to do -- what took you so long? what are you, a boy scout? could've fooled me. go away. this -- ? this is nothing. you know what'll kill me? her. i'm lucky that way. don't worry. i'll get him soon enough -- how hard can it be? i punched the crap out of that thing that he sent -- ouch!! me?? c'mon -- oh, stop that -- damn! be careful, there -- i dunno, maybe five seconds -- ow! that's right, stud, hold me down. is it bad? didn't even buy me a drink. well, let's see -- there was that moment, when i had a train on top of my head -- how many buildings does she have to burn? she belongs here! oh, as opposed to -- ? mmmh -- "pamcakes." we're going out -- hey. you: think twice -- what landed you this job, pushing "pamcakes"? punctuality? what was your area of expertise? what was that?? are you coming or not? there you go, doctor. this should cover your tailfin -- on loan from the vatican, a bone from saint dionysius. ugh. looks like a pinky. rotten eggs and the safety of mankind. son of a -- ! "sammael: seed of destruction. death becomes the fertile ground." didn't i kill you already? hey, chunk-face! you can do better than that. big monster like you. see? it hurts! you shouldn't hit people! aw, crap. second date. no tongue!! i hope that hurt. my job. this time. stay dead, willya?? abe -- ? we need an ambulance. now!! over!! i knew those men better than you did -- no, it doesn't make it right, but i stopped that creature, didn't i? what are you trying to say? i wish i could be more gracious but -- liz? liz!! you!!! you did it, buddy -- woo hoo!! shh! just a second. myers, you're a talker. what's a good word -- a solid word for "need" -- nah, sounds too "needy." um. liz -- i -- there's something i'd like you to -- something i need you to hear. out? out out? you're going alone? him!! why him? why not me? not hungry. it's nothing. just a list -- it's not finished -- not from you. good night. what are you two talking about. what's so fascinating?? so important?? no cream and sugar, moron. she takes it black. toldya. hi. shh. i'm. on a mission. don't tell anyone, huh? that's it: she's laughing. i'm done. come on! look at him, those shifty eyes, that -- phony grin!! you gonna eat that? oh, the yawning trick. that's so 1950's! watch his arm -- it's not that easy, okay? plus, you're nine. you're not old enough to give me advice. something's wrong -- father -- i'm back. i'm back. i'm back. i wasn't here. you died alone -- hi. i am. but -- i have something to say, too. i never had the guts before - but i understand what you don't like about me. i do. what i am makes you feel out of place -- out there -- listen. i'm not like myers. he makes you feel like you belong. and -- that's good. it really is. i -- wish i could do something about this -- but i can't. i can promise you only two things. one: i'll always look this good. two: i won't give up on you. ever. good. "one falls, two shall arise." so: you pop one, two come out. you kill two, you get four. you kill four, you're in trouble. we have to nail 'em all at once. and the eggs. those things never work. never. i won't take 'em. they never work. boy scout. this better be the place or i'll puke. sebastian plackba #16. let me ask for directions. animam edere, animus corpus. sixty feet further, comrades, and three rows in. this here is ivan klimentovich: say "hi" ivan. we'll be alright. as long as we don't separate -- okay, someone's expecting us. turn on your locators -- anyone sees anything. polo. on a scale of one to ten: two. but -- -- she'll take care of you, myers. she's a tough one. don't move. we -- no. don't -- son of a -- crap. this guy moves like a cockroach -- screw that. you killed my father -- give your soul to god, your ass is mine. oh, no you don't -- you like playing possum, you nazi pinhead? then try playing dead. are you okay? you'd better stay here. i'll find a way out. we'll come back for you. yup. my job. hang on kid, i'm coming for you!! sorry. just couldn't leave you two alone. liz. no. noooo! noooo!!! for her. anung-un-rama. i can live with that. keep her safe. no matter what. i'll deal with whatever's back there. how big can it be? they never work -- ugh -- now, this is gonna hurt -- ouch -- it did hurt. "you, on the other side: let her go. because for her, for her -- i'll die. i'll cross over." "and you'll be sorry i did."