with their conveniently blurry footage of their beloved "hellboy." and they claim that he works for the fbi-? exactly -- so, why is it that they're all out of focus? c'mon!! god knows, people manage to get good pictures at a wedding!! that's the alleged best man -- ? every time the media get a look at him, they come to me. i'm running out of lies, trevor. i do. how many escapes? this year alone: five! your "guest" happens to be six foot five, bright red, and is government funded. a "phase"? what do you think this is, "the brady bunch?" these. freaks -- these freaks, trevor, they give me the creeps. and i'm not the only one. you're up for review. you and your petting zoo. hey, fishstick -- don't touch anything -- see what?? is he serious?? oooh!! who was here? nixon? houdini? you mind sharing your mystic insights? but not everyone was so lucky. two agents died today. clay probably won't survive the night. you're reckless. ah, i see. that makes it all alright then. that's what you do. that's why we need you. you have an insight. you know monsters. in the end, after you've killed and captured every freak out there -- there's still one left: you. i want that thing locked up, starting now -- now!!! you hear me??!! we've collected and destroyed thousands of eggs. no trace of this "sammael" or this "rasputin" character. but we have this address -- sebastian plackba #16. volokolamsk fields, fifty miles from moscow. we leave as soon as we get clearance and equipment -- hellboy's coming -- but i'll be in charge this time. either we wrap this up or i'm closing this freak show for good. when we do: no mumbo-jumbo. double- core vulcan-65 grenades. we've installed a very handy timer. set it, walk away. cable pulls the safety pins, k-boom! easy to clean, easy to use. each of us gets a belt. forget it. this is practically a city. and it stinks, and it's muddy. we'll go back, check into a hotel, regroup after breakfast. we'll have to make a grid, go by quadrants. maybe satellite photography. what's that -- we should go back -- you -- you could tear that door apart -- -- should go back. now! i'm in charge. we go back! ouch!! well, it's not that big a fall. you call that thing a cigar?? you never, ever light a cigar that way. use a wooden match. it preserves the flavor. thank you.