john myers, f.b.i. transfer from quantico. hello, i'm -- yes, i -- pardon? jesus christ! these -- ? you're reading these -- ? sir, i'm -- how did it -- icthyo sapiens, april 14, 1865. how does he know so much about me? where am i -- exactly, sir? on the desk, yes. in latin. "in absentia luci, tenebrae vinciunt" 1945, you mean. hitler died in '45. you're not coming? grounded? who's grounded? who?! you're kidding -- oh, jesus!! hellboy -- ?? is real -- oh. uh. hello. i -- i have these. for you. uh-oh -- john. staring at what? his what??!! oh-n-no -- i -- helping you -- i just -- jeez. what the hell is that? wait! no, what are you doing? we'll hit the street in a minute. we're heading towards civilians. yeah, yeah, crazy costume, uh? trick or treat!! my arm is fine. where are you?? where are you??? wait -- wait -- you can't go anywhere -- i gotta go with you -- no. stop. don't do this -- listen to me -- tell me where you are -- yes? sir, may i go first?? c'mon, time to go home. tape you up. no. i never was. you want me to hold him down? down there. did you ever loose track of him? i'm in way over my head, i know that much. no, i'm not. he respects clay. not me. i don't know why you chose me, sir. but i'm not qualified. oh, please. i'm not "pure of heart." professor, that girl you were talking about -- i think i can help -- talk to her -- i can bring her back. hostage negotiations. miss sherman? i'm agent myers, fbi. miss sherman? i'm agent myers, fbi. the hospital called us. they don't feel they're capable of caring for you any longer, and -- liz -- can i call you liz? it's a beautiful name -- it's still impressive by my standards: my name's john. dr. broom asked me to invite you back to the bureau. no special precautions, no security escorts. you and me in a taxi. like regular folks. miss sherman, he's asking you back, but it's entirely your choice. hey!! the music!! turn down the music!! jesus! that's not -- that's not safe, miss sherman -- miss sherman? nice view -- a smile, huh? that's good. i'll get you a fresh pack. where do you -- "need" is a good, solid word. start in, you got nachos coming. hey, your chili's getting cold -- anything else you -- well good n- i admire him. he's a force of nature. no. he's determined. unstoppable -- strong. my uncle used to say. we like people for their qualities but love them for their defects. he -- loves you. what about you? it's freezing, isn't it? what do we do now? newark, new jersey, entertainment capital of the world. we all have a side that we try to hide. hey! what the hell? i'll carry his -- we're almost there. are you sure about this? so, he thinks that you and i. that's why he's mad at me -- but it's not true, is it? that you feel that way about me. watch out. it's slippery. what? i can't, i -- don't do it!! don't do it!! no!! don't do it!! listen to me!! remember who you are!!! alone?