he wanders through the merchandise, casting appraising glances at some items. some he even runs his hands over - grimacing at the dust and grime they leave on his fingers. but his manner suggests he is looking for something specific. - as he moves the hoarding aside. - as he leans in to study this face, already fascinated by its calm cruelty and promise of dark wisdom. - as he glances round the store and past the bum to the door beyond; has this character just wandered in from the street? very close on jp's face - quizzical, enquiring . and suddenly contorted in pain! - as he looks down at his finger, face snarling. close on his awe-struck face - bathed in reflected blue light. still staring at the ceiling, jp pulls a pained face - like he's heard this embarrassing shit a hundred times. - who has sunk to the floor, staring at the pillar.