she's telling the truth, joey. you have to help me, joey. joey. look out your window. joey. how kind of you to come. you have to help me. you will understand. and no, you're not dreaming. do you know where we are? correct. the fields of france. and many dead flowers . oh. forgive me. my name was spenser. elliott spenser. captain. well done. brave girl. you've probably never shaken hands with a ghost before, am i right? hell is precisely what is going on, joey. and we have to stop it. i because of a special obligation, you because you're the only person who can help. and because you know what is right, and just, and true. will you walk with me a while? there were days in this war, days right on top of each other, when the newly dead were numbered in the tens of thousands. they called it the war to end all wars. though it didn't. you know that. there were more wars. more dead. your father's war. your dream search for your father led you here. to me. joey, we need to talk. the war pulled poetry out of some of us. others it affected differently. this is me a few years later. we're in india, by the way, and it's 1921. i was like many survivors. lost souls with nothing left to believe in but gratification. we'd seen god fail, you see. so many dead. for us god, too, fell at flanders. we adjusted to the loss. and if we mourned, we mourned in silence. thousands drank themselves to death. others went further. i went further. i thought i was a lost soul. but, until this frozen moment, i didn't even know what the phrase meant. the cusp of my life. what i was, what i am, what i will be . past, present, future, all bound here at this timeless moment of decision. i was an explorer of forbidden vices and pleasures. opening the box was my final act of exploration, of discovery. something bad. because something worse is coming. because - monster as i was - i was bound by laws. the protocol of hell. the box had to be opened to let me out. the truly innocent were safe. that's no longer true. the shell of the beast has been fleshed. what i was is out there, joey. in your world. unbound. unstoppable. he'll do what he does best. but he'll do it unfettered. he wants to walk the earth forever, indulging his taste for all the myriad subtleties of human suffering. i like you, joey. you ask all the right questions. there is something we can do but it will require great courage. joey, you walked through your window from one reality to another. you're stronger than you think. this is his first night on earth. he wants to close the door behind him. like all lieutenants, he covets command. there's a gateway to hell through which he can be taken back. he has to destroy it. your apartment. the box, joey. he wants the box. joey! back to the wall, quickly! back with the damned. no more hope of heaven. but i drag this monster back with me!