wow . is it yours? how much do you want for it? what the . ? aaaaaahh!! son of a . bi . welcome. uh-huh. thank you. it's yours. you won it. it's a prize. you see, everyday i have my friend john here bring . he's a barman. whatever. do you mind if i continue? everyday i have my friend rick here bring a newly-cut red rose in with him and keep it behind the bar. and i award it to a woman of exceptional beauty. don't do that! don't put yourself down. if you have a quality, be proud of it. let it define you. whatever it is. most of the roses die behind the bar. this is the first i've given out for nearly a month. yes really. no. thank you. mmn-hmnn. unh-unh. it doesn't bother me. i'm just not interested. and tomorrow i'll give one to somebody else. get dressed. get out. i'm jp monroe, you stupid little bitch. now get the fuck out of my life. right. like you were hog-tied or something. jesus christ! what . what . ? that had nothing to do with the world. not this one, anyway. yes. no! no. it's not the same . i . no. what you did . it was . evil. no. no no no. no fuckin' way. i'm gone . fuck you! what!? what are you talking about? why should i help you? what are you? hey, that's what makes the world go round. but how in god's name . how do we start? not quite. live and in the flesh. how're you doing, babe? god, always questions. what do i want? i don't want anything. just concerned about you. just checking in. will you relax? your little girlfriend left a card, remember? really? no. i mean, really? because i'm concerned for you, sweetheart. i care about you. i guess i miss you. i'm sorry we split up. i'm sorry i . hey, it has been known. c'mon terri, i'm not that bad a guy. i have regrets. i'd like to put things right. don't tell me you haven't thought about me. huh? i know. i know. it's bad. i'm a bad person. but i try not to be, terri. i really do. and i really miss you. that's so good to hear, sweetheart. it really is. you know, i . are you alone? good . good . look, why don't you come over? you know, nothing heavy, little drink maybe, little talk. just see how we both feel? c'mon. it'll be great. hey, babe. thanks for coming. come on in. not a good neighborhood. people disappear. feel like home? it's just like you left it. no. but, as you can see, i'm having some work done on it. you found a real treasure for me, terri. i hope i can show you how grateful i am. yeah, a girl i know helped smarten it up. put her heart and soul into it. not now, no. i mean - now that you're here, it's like she doesn't even exist, you know what i mean? terri, listen. why don't you come here and kiss me? i mean, it's probably ticking away in both our minds, right? is it going to happen? isn't it going to happen? let's get it out of the way. see how we feel. then we can relax. talk. you know. sure. sure. i understand. it's cool. i mean, we've got all night. that's terrible. what a bitch. she was obviously just using you, terri. ready to dump you the second she had what she needed, interfering little whore. hey, you didn't fuck it up with me. you know that. it was my fault, babe, it really was. and you know i'm sorry. and i'm sorry to see you upset now. i hate to see you in pain like this. yes! god, yes. i . i just want to hug you. to hold you. to tell you it's alright. no. no, sweetheart, you come to me. it's not fair. i come over there. you know. we're on the bed. i just . 'cos you know how much you excite me. god, just looking at you. you're so beautiful. i come over there and i'd just want to touch you. feel you. kiss you. and that isn't what this is about. c'mon, babe, come to daddy. let me make it better. unhhh . terri . what . no . no! terri! please! i didn't mean to!!