it wasn't my fault. it wasn't my fault. it was outside. i wasn't even with him. he must have stolen it. it was off the statue. in the club. it's nothing to do with me. it's nothing to do with me. i wasn't even with him. look, lady! i told you! it's not my problem! i was just there! under the underground. can i like go now?! uh . hi! is this . er . joanne summerskill? you like . left me a card? at the club? right . so . well, what do you want? oh yeah. yeah. well . look, i'll make a deal with you . my boyfriend threw me out, right? i'll trade you. you give me couch-space. i'll give you talk. ok? of course tonight. is that a problem? like, if you've got a guy there or something . hi. how're you doing? you got anything to drink? right. so . what was your bad dream? your dream. you said you were having a bad dream. what is it? sorry. oh, right. did he used to . ? that's great. no . i mean, it's not like great about your dad or anything. it's just i don't dream. never have. . maybe it'd help if i slept sometime . just kidding . no, so it's always neat for me to hear about dreams. i'm jealous. it's like everybody has another world except me. you know what i mean? whatever. all i know is - this is it for me. just me, my bag, and a series of shithead boyfriends. it'd be good to see something else. have a nighttime life. be somebody different. hey . this is great, isn't it? just girls talking. like having a conversation? good coffee. you got a cigarette? great. thanks. you gonna have one? oh, go on. have one. fuck it. you think you're going to live forever? it's okay. it's just someone burned me once. wanna know how i look at it? way i see it is . you give up, right? three days later, you get hit by a fucking truck and you know - you just know – that your last thought as you go under those wheels'd be "jesus h. christ, i coulda smoked another three packs!" oh. you wanna talk about that stuff. but i don't know anything! really. i just came out of the club and the kid was already in the street. he . no. i'd seen him in there a few times before. he was just a punk. i'd never like danced with him or anything. anyway, he was a thief. he must've taken it from the statue. the thing! he was lying there in the street, moaning. but he pointed at it yeah! that's what i'm saying! and it was lying next to him. and he pointed at it before he passed out and . that's what i'm trying to tell you! . he said they came out of this. i figured i'd make breakfast. ha! i don't know yet. first time. kitchen virgin, that's me. i'll do it! this is great. and it's yours? you like own it? jeez, i've never owned anything. i haven't even had a room of my own since i was fifteen years old. guys. sometimes friends. mostly guys. wow. lotta books. you read all these? cool. i read a book once. it was like all these people discovering who they used to be. you know, like reincarnation? it was really good. you ever read that? great view! great view! look at this! who's that? and he still sits there? maybe he thinks it'll come back. bullshit! he should've kept it. it'd live longer! it's dangerous out there! people get hurt! but i don't know what's going on. yeah. i found it. i knew held like it and i figured . no. jp. my last boyfriend? he like owns the club. you know? you were there? he bought the statue. i was downtown looking for a . a friend. a guy i know. anyway, there was this store. like real old? lotsa weird shit in there. i saw this statue. pillar. thing. i knew he'd love it. you've seen the club. sure. why? yeah. happening, isn't it? buying some drugs, alright? for somebody else, alright? not for me. i don't do that shit anymore. here! here! pull over! yeah. see. i told you it was here. lady, will you shut the fuck up and give her a break. what am i looking for? jesus. you're gonna pay her for this shit? it's like fucking business papers for god's sake! joey . ? jeez, joey musta polished you up some. sometimes i think she's wierder than me. joey? jp? what do you want? yeah right. how'd you get this number? oh. yeah. yeah. well . i'm fine. things are great here. joey's going to get me a job at the tv station. i'm meeting lotsa new people. it's really great. yeah really. i'm . you're apologizing? well . of course i have. i've thought. i've . oh, jp, you were so horrible. you really hurt me . i miss you too. yes. oh, i don't . no! no. i can't. i just can't. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. - shakes her head and turns the ansafone on. not quite. this wasn't here. yeah . yeah, it looks different. a girl? anyone i should know? yeah right. look . i don't think so. not yet. i'm not ready yet. no. it isn't . she wouldn't . it's like i must have done something wrong, you know? freaked her out. just fucked up something good again. really? no . wait a . i'm . i'm . what are you talking about? and . like . the other? where is it?