the little girl kicking and screaming. she is pulled out of the closet. we never get a clear view of the man, but we know he is pure evil. the little girl is picked up under the man's arm, and pulled away. his groping hands move seductively, and violently. she is carried away out of sight, kicking and screaming. close on the little girl slung under the man's arm, as he carried her down the hall. she's scraping at the walls, the door jams, anything to try to free herself from him. amy's father half walking, half stumbling out of one of the rooms at the far end of the corridor. he's dressed in a stained white tank top shirt, his eyes glazed and distant. now amy is within the flashback. she looks good, no blood, almost peaceful. her father looks down the corridor toward amy, but doesn't seem to see her. he turns and storms off in the opposite direction. the hallway from amy's childhood home. her father is now only a few steps in front of amy as he reaches the door to his office.