ahhhh, now here comes a daring soul. a person committed to a just cause. another seeker of the truth no doubt. i like what i see inside of you. i've been called worse. and i have the privilege of meeting. and the plot thickens. don't tell me you're mixed up with those mother fuckers. tell me amy klein, do you even know what they're about? oh, jeez. moral quandary time here. what should he do, what should he do? if he tells her -- the hopefully available and eminently fuckable damsel is thrown into the pit of oblivion -- or anyway is potentially fucked up for life. and that would be such a regrettable waste. if he refrains from telling her. she may yet be saved. a possible trophy awaits me. angel and devil on the shoulder. hmm. angel, devil, angel, devil. oh, the hell with it entropy's destroying everything anyway. why shouldn't i do my part? you first. what do you think they do? is that what you really think? some people say winter's some sort of fucked-up guru, some say he's not human, and others say he's not real. but there is a place they hang out -- those who believe i mean. angel, devil, angel, devil. yeah, you see, now that's the problem. you've got that fucked up self- destructive thing going on. angel, devil, angel, devil this is making me very unhappy. poteilari and minvara. on the northeast corner, two doors down, there's a stairway going down into a closed up building. it's always locked, and they're not always there. i don't know where they are when they're not. and once you get mixed up with them -- it's like that story with the tar baby -- chances are you never get loose, and if you do, you never get clean. i can't take responsibility for you. amy klein, i'm doing a change of heart thing here, which doesn't usually happen with strangers, but i'm trying to give a little back, it's this whole karma kick i'm on -- don't do it. don't go any deeper. forget about it. move away. change your name. become somebody different. yes you do. only he can bring you back! well look who's back. what now? help you with what? wow, are those real? okay, you're not in the mood for my light- hearted banter. what the hell, this isn't my idea of paradise either. life, death, they're not all that different, really. you can find your death in your life. you can find your life in your death. round and round and round you go. i am helping you. whoa. it's time to give in amy, you're just fighting it too hard. forget about the truth, forget about reality, just sit back and enjoy the ride. there's nothing you can do anyway. we're all just piece's in winter's little puzzle. you're willing to do anything to find the truth. where are the naked chicks? the oil? the orgies?