okay, okay. here we go. there's anna.
here's marla chen, official deader archivist. hello, me.
and here's the star of the show. katya.
and here's our deader bed -- this is the scene of the crime. crime to be.
and here is the fearless leader of the deaders.  winter.
i knew you'd come. course if you're watching this tape, it's already too late for me. but maybe you can stop it.
he promised us pleasures beyond anything we could ever imagine. we just had to fight through the pain first. easier said than done. don't open the box amy. if you do winter wins, and if he wins-
go to pletkow station at midnight. go to the south end of the platform and step onto the last car. find a guy named joey who runs the show and tell him i sent you. he'll guide you to them.
save them amy. please.
those you trust the most -- trust the least.
don't open.
only he can bring you back.
we have to go.
i didn't have any other choice.
you're dying. like me.
please. we've got to go!
that's for you to decide.
you see, that's the problem right there. i'm supposed to help you. like.  like winter helped me. but i don't know if i can.
to try.  because i have no other choice. no turning back now- know what i mean?
then let's go home.
i put my head through a noose and i jumped ten feet down. they cut me down, and winter breathed into me, and i was alive. and everybody was happy.  and like, congratulating me.
and for a while, it was great. but it's like being a tightrope walker.  you're walking along on this rope, and then all of a sudden, it's like you realize -- i'm walking on a rope a hundred feet up in the air. and that's when you fall. i tried to end it. that's when you found me.
for the reward from it all.
but it isn't enough for somebody else to stick a knife into you. you have to come to the point where you can do it to yourself -- that's the acceptance. the final preparation before you give your soul to it. willingly.
that's the missing link. that part he keeps to himself. but he promises an eternal paradise filled with the ultimate pleasures. we just can't be afraid. and we can't have any doubts. guess i screwed up on that part.
fear is where you go to learn.
sorry. i told you there's no turning back amy. only he can bring you back.
you say that like it's a good thing.
you know he's watching us.
winter. this is where he sends all the trouble makers. tries to show us who's boss. tries to make us believe.
as real as you want it to be. we all have our own version of the truth, some are just more screwed up than others. but you wouldn't know that, because you still don't know the truth.
you will. you see that's the point. all this, "deaders", "cenobites", whatever you want to call it, it's all about solving the puzzle. part of that puzzle is you. finding the secrets that are hidden within you.
- in there. and as soon as you find that, as soon as you face it, you'll be free. once and for all.
me -- i'm still looking.
ultimate pleasure -- more than anyone, even those who have solved the puzzle before us, have ever known. conditions of the nerve endings the likes of which your imagination could not hope to evoke. marla stares at amy deeply. the breaks into a smile.
at least that's what they say.
problem is winter can't solve the puzzle. only a few chosen ones -- with just the right amount of depravity and loneliness in their soul -- can. beat) so he's been on this quest for years, searching for that mythical person who is both willing to join us and can also solve the puzzle. and it would seem, amy klein, that that person is-
bingo baby. sorry.
he has to be there for you amy. and he will be. like he was for all of us. that's the key. without him, you can't come back. it's you he wants. its you he needs. remember that above all.
looks like you're running out of time.
it's all about finding the truth.
its over. winter is gone. you can't come back. you won't become a deader. or one of them.
only he can bring you back.