"--to all of us - there comes the closing of the doors - the entrances - the exits - so that one may pass no more out or in" walt whitman. i like your taste in books. i didn't. believe me, when i want to hurt you, it will be more than a scratch. this isn't your room. it's mine. this is my room, my building, my street. my world. you still can't believe that you're in the "real" world, can you? i mean. you've just had a a knife run through you. shouldn't it hurt? no. dreams come to an end. nightmares are forever. you've been recruited as a soldier in another man's war. a war he will never win, that i can assure you. you will. soon enough. but one shouldn't worship false gods. especially when that false god is themselves. oh you will. tell me, do you believe in hell? you opened a door. he pulled you in. but the only way out -- is through me. i see that evil does run in the family. your lineage is of a craftsman. you should have stayed in the family business. i sacrificed my mortal self for that box. that's where you're painfully wrong. we belong to it. when it is done with me -- perhaps -- but i'm afraid one's own personal hell is eternal, as you will soon see. the box is not just the map of the road -- it is the road itself. experience is a funny thing boy, it likes to test us first and teach us later. are you sure you can pass the test? are you sure you want to? it's not the first time i've heard that. and it won't be the last. when you attempted to challenge evil you entered into my domain. there is no way in but through me. careful what you wish for. it just might come true. this world, it obviously disappoints you all. perhaps that's why you choose to begin this journey. and as long as you so willingly accepted, allow me to finish off what he started. and as for you. you opened the box, you brought us all together. you chose wisely. i'm pleased. she's one of us now amy. now a guide to the far reaches of pleasure. to a world where suffering is taken to higher level. you opened the box. and now you have it. but knowledge comes with a price -- and it's time to pay. they belong to me now. they offered themselves willingly through him to me -- and now it's time for you to do the same. it won't be that easy this time. but yes, your father is with us too. and he's waiting for you. no!