do you become one of us of your own free will? are you afraid? good. fear is the place we go to learn. go on. marla! marla! i have a room of my own. kindly join me. amy klein. i chose you. people come in here the way they want. if it was difficult, then that was the way you wanted it. a little danger. a little mystery. that's what you expected. that's what you found. were you afraid, amy? just now? and during your little "rite of passage" through the walls? and were you afraid when you saw marla chen? of what you found in the bathroom? you took something from her? do you have it with you? my great grandfather created that box. he left it as a. gift. a way to cheat death, an entrance to everlasting pleasures, and it belongs to me. though there are others who would disagree. really? should i be honored or afraid that you are here, amy klein. do you really think you can just go along with us for a little ride and then get off when it suits you? like your new friends on the train? you're not going to find it so easy to get off this train. your already on it. don't dance with me, amy klein. don't think for a second that you aren't in danger. you are in more danger than ever imagined possible. oh, but she did. and what makes you so sure she's dead? you say this is real? epidermis. the dorsal fascia. transverse carpal ligament across here. the median nerve underneath it. down here, the carpal bones. and do you think that all those parts are what makes a hand? i'll show you what makes a hand. here. these spaces. that what makes a hand. you get it by taking things away. you, amy klein, are the infinitesimal speck that's left when we subtract the infinite possibilities that the space you occupy might have held. this thing here isn't a presence. it's an absence. it's a place where things are missing. in all essential qualities, it is less than nothing. in all essential qualities, we are less than nothing. not solid, not here, not real. what did you see? yes you are, but still you can't run -- you won't run. i wonder why that is? i'm no devil. i'm no monster. amy, i'll never hurt you and i'll never leave you. lie down amy. it'll only hurt for a second. i promise. no more pain. only pleasure. amy! all roads lead home. you've gone through this before amy. go through it again -- with me. that's it. i knew you were the one. the second i saw you, i knew you were the one. it's working. i knew it. say it with us amy. you have to say it with us. yes you can amy. you're one of us now, all you have to do is take this final step and let the pain go. and welcome a world of ultimate pleasures. an arm, bluish white, stretches out from the void trying to grab joey who ducks it's grasp. finish it amy. finish it! it's mine now. it belongs to me. it created you, and it can destroy you. amy, finish it! the ultimate experience. you can't hurt me.