still hallucinating as well. hmm. it's the morphine trevor. you're on so much of it, you could be asleep and dreaming even with your eyes wide open. your wife? still a little hazy. he's still in pain too, even after the morphine. i recommend we admit him. at least for another day. he just asked for his wife. but, dr. ambrose- well looks like you're going home! hope you brought your bus pass. sorry i thought you were going to stay under longer. you came in for your eeg. you fell asleep and well, i took the liberty of. i'm sorry. you looked like a wreck trevor. well you can relax now you are quite alive. and as long as you're awake, chin up. well? what do you say trevor? que pasa? that `poor me' attitude doesn't suit you trevor. listen, i don't mean to sound like pollyanna but things could be worse. there's one good thing about coming so near to the end of ones life. everything is new and exciting, like your seeing it for the first time. you might see things a litlle differently from now on. no wisdom, no insight, no plan. do you use this wife thing to hit on all the interns? there. just like a baby's butt. easy there trevor. you need to relax. you need to get better first trevor. way better. it's okay to miss somebody. it's okay to still love someone after they're gone. but you've got to quit blaming yourself okay? okay? trevor? code blue! it's okay trevor i'm coming for you. shh. it's okay. go back to sleep. sorry about that. there was a blockage in your oxygen hose. won't happen again, promise. too bad i hate my job. feeling better now? well that's not necessarily a bad thing is it? shh. don't blame yourself trevor. please. if you need to cry, go ahead. i won't tell. jesus i wish you would stop doing that. well trevor? what have you got to say for yourself? que pasa? i'm all over it. blink. okay. what we're going to do is up the topomax to two per day instead of one, see if that takes care of these hallucinatory seizures you've been having. the extra topomax won't interfere with the painkillers either but. you're going to be thrilled to hear this part but we have been told by some patients it affects the memory somewhat. you're one tough cookie, trevor gooding. you keep coming back to your corner for a quick fix up then go right back out into the ring for another round. of course, yes. i know, my bedside manner's horrendous. all finished. i don't know. beirut? new orleans? i'm stumped. bull. okay so. what's the safest place? okay mr. statistics i've got one for you. what's the most common cause of death for adults over the age of eighteen? second most common? eighty third most common. you just made that up. where you two happy together? i understand, i think. other women? you were unfaithful, it sounds like your confessing. com'on. how bout some fresh air? oh i knew about the chairs already. this is where the emphysema patients come to sneak cigarettes. don't tell me. kirsty used to smoke? sure plenty of times. sure plenty of times. trevor if someone is talking from a sleep state they are obviously dreaming. so practically everything say is going to sound strange. no. no. but at one point you did repeat something though. a phrase. you must have been having this recurring dream, you just kept saying this one thing over and over you said, "jealousy arouses a husbands fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge." does that mean anything to you trevor? times up for today. i've got to get back. if it makes you feel better that took every ounce of self control i had. trevor, i never date patients. no you don't understand. that's why i've been fighting to get you better. so you wouldn't be a patient anymore. just get better okay? i have to get back to work. and so do you. trevor. i heard you were looking for me. is everything all right? come here. trevor things like this happen to people who experience temporary memory loss. everybody does things they regret. you just couldn't remember doing these things and now you are so it's a shock to the system. i'm telling you. you will never get better if you keep blaming yourself for your wife's death. looks like an eel of some kind. i still don't get it. he's been missing for almost eight months. but this body hasn't been dead more than twenty four hours. well? what do you say trevor? que pasa? well if that's the case. wouldn't you want someone to talk to you like a normal human being one last time? adios amigo.