trevor what is the metric probability of you getting any work done at all today? dude there is a track on the carpet between here and the bathroom. it was made by your ass. you've been dragging it all fucking week. what happened to you yesterday? hospital? you haven't been to the hospital since uh. look never mind. just get some numbers going- any numbers at all will due. the hills have eyes remember? i'm just looking out for ya. sixty five point three percent of all headaches are due to low sugar levels in the bloodstream trevor. must be nice. getting paid for doing shit. seriously man, you oughta work for the government. you've got the sense of urgency for it. hey if the boss doesn't notice who cares right? just slack all the live long day if you want. yeah, how's that? really? do tell. gwen? you were supposed to have a date with gwen last night? gwen deardon? the supervisor? wow that's quite a feat trevor congratulations. must be really tough to get your brains fucked out by a corpse. me? this is your sick joke man. gwen was murdered here six months ago. the security guard found her all over her office. her head was in the waste paper basket. her stomach was in the filing cabinet. her ass was on the copy machine. they never found the sicko who did it. remember? man are you ever out of the loop. either that or you've got the worst sense of humor this side of jeffrey dahmer. what is your problem anyway? bud you need to decompress. i told you you came back to work too soon after the accident. hey you know what trev? i'm going to hook you up man. here. this woman will take one look at you and know exactly what you need. i don't know what pissed you off but it's nice to see you getting the job done for a change. guess i'll leave you two alone. frogurt guy's here. they're all out chocolate vanilla swirl or i'd have gotten you one. hey if you're not doing anything i'd like to buy you a beer after work. be just like old times. i quit. today's my last day. i've got a better offer. more time off. a sort of career shift, more in the engineering line of work. as much as he feels like. its a much more pleasurable line of work. yahtzee. were all in this together trev. trevor there are people who are doing exactly what we're doing but they don't need to wear a tie, punch a clock or have some tight assed supervisor breathing down their necks. its all about the pleasure trevor! almost that fast. i got a few loose ends to tie up first. came into a shitload of money recently. i've always wanted to go to take a trip. we're just gonna walk into the airport and decide right then and there. someone special. tonight was supposed to be the night, trevor. remember? i couldn't believe you went through five dart games and didn't even joke about it. we were gonna be millionaires you said. nobody'd suspect a thing. i had never even met her. no connection. then you went and had that fucking car accident. i followed her trevor. i got to know her life. and what a boring one it was. six a.m. gym, nine a.m. trendy coffee shop, noon bookstore, one soap operas, four o'clock news, five wait for trevor to come home. and wait and wait and wait. nine o'clock get ready for bed. then i find out you're having nooners with my gwen. that was all i could take. i didn't want to kill your wife anymore. i wanted to kill you. even before that little accident i decided to do it on the day we'd set aside for her. but now that ain't gonna happen either. i fell in love with kirsty trevor. the day she died it was like my soul had been ripped from my body. not just because i lost someone i loved. it's because the child inside her. was mine.