jesus what the hell was that? it's like you saw a ghost or something. come on speak up, gooding, i'm trying to run a business here. i can't have people flipping out in the break room when they should be slaving away at their desks. well don't let it happen again. or i may have to spank you. get back here, junior bean counter. this is your supervisor speaking. how do you think you got this job, cock? mmm. i'm still tingling all over from our little midnight swim. what's wrong, trev? and it shows. least it did last night at the quarry. in a big way. you're giving me a speeding ticket? mr. mario andretti himself? oh i see. that again. trevor? i realize it must be hard. but christ how long does it take someone to move on? no, making another woman compete with someone who's been dead eight months. that's cold. why don't you let me take you out tonight? i promise to make it the most memorable night of your life. pick you up round seven. and gooding? get some fucking work done. sorry i'm late dear. you are turning into an old fuddy duddy. shoe. come on don't make me beat you. other shoe. good boy. where's is it? our little toy. you usually have it up and running by now. you're kidding me. you have definitely got a screw loose, trevor. goodbye.