trevor lives in a dingy place, one step up from poverty- level. funny thing is this used to be a nicer place. we see remnants of a feminine touch long since past. dirty dishes sit in the sink. a cockroach skitters across the kitchenette. he looks out on the street. trevor holds the camera on kristy who is under the covers in a generic hotel room. she looks into camera as trevor adjusts focus and squares up the frame. from the couch trevor watches this. any of this ringing a bell? trevor plays his videogame with venom. the cries of his kills emanate from the tv, building to a crescendo. finally we hear a woman's voice come from the tv. trevor stares at the self-taken picture of him and his wife mugging at the camera. what is it that kirsty is holding? the tv is on. trevor flips through the channels. he stops on the nature channel. a goat is casually munching on some nuts and berries. rubbing the baby that's growing inside her, kirsty sits in front of the tv watching trevor having yet another romantic rendezvous with tawny.