okay. cubic root of nine thousand two hundred and sixty one. shut up and play darling. your turn. uh. eighty two? you win! okay pull over. if what i've heard is true this could be the last time for a long long time. besides we've got a whole seven minutes before the next one. clock's ticking. tick-tock. i'm. i'm doing a very special thing here. and you can't even . respond? i was going to keep breathing you know. you think i'm an amateur or something? you've been cheating on me haven't you? roughly two thirds of married men who cheat start during the eighth month of their wives' first pregnancy. okay. uh oh here comes another one. oh god. trevor, i think my water just broke. oh my god. it's coming out. the baby is coming out! i can feel it! sonofabitch it hurts!! aaagggghhh!!! oh my god trevor! it hurts!! oh my god, oh my god. trevor, it's coming out. well trevor. it's been one year. three hundred sixty five days. how does feel to be mr. kirsty hughes for a whole year. the best business decision if you ever made i'll bet. you know what the family lawyer told me one our wedding day? never to put you in my will. because you'd be staying with me for me and not because you'd get rich if i died for some reason. there is no wisdom, no insight, no plan and besides, i thought, to hell with it. it's okay if you only married me for my money. i only married you for your body. what are you doing? for me? trevor! how romantic! come here, you. okay pull over. it's okay it was just a nightmare that's all. yes. now go back to sleep. you're driving the rest of the way to gramma's remember? trevor i've decided we have got to agree on a name before we reach my mother's. this poor kid's going to be starting preschool as student x if we don't make up our minds. so, i've been thinking, what about daisy? well that was easy all of a sudden. goodbye you miserable sonofabitch! shhh it's okay. i would have come in sooner but i had an important errand to run last night. out of town. figures you'd find his body the minute i decide to go off somewhere. of course. that was my. last anniversary present to him. thank you detective. you bet i was. okay we're on our way. remember her- see you in a couple of weeks. you've got my cell number right? counselor can we not mention him anymore. can we just start spending his money instead. you mean the place with bats? yeah that sounds like a real blast. oh. thank you. time, larry. time's up.