thanks for coming down mr. gooding. has your head healed okay by now? okay then. here's the scoop. for one thing there were no skid marks on that bridge, the tires were all intact, from what we could tell, nothing wrong internally with the vehicle either. like the car had been driven off the bridge intentionally. i did read that, yes. what hospital were you going to? i mean the lodovico street bridge isn't exactly on the way to mercy general. i'm sorry mr. gooding, i meant no disrespect. i'm just doing my job here, ok? i mean between your head injury and the fact that you are on very strong pain medication, you might not be remembering a few details about the crash which might help us here. mr. gooding? you still in there? all things considered we probably know a lot less than you do. have a good afternoon, mr. gooding. mr. gooding i assure you we are doing everything within our- i don't know what you're talking about. nice chatting with ya. sorry i'm in your seat aren't i? how's everything, mr. gooding? i thought you loved games. you and your wife were playing a game shortly before you got into that car accident weren't you? we found this curious little object not too far from the site of the accident. no prints but forensics scraped a little dark residue that was caked on one of the corners. it was blood trevor. matched some blood we took off your car seat too. can you tell me anything about it? gee you think so? sorry to take up your time like that trevor. don't work too hard. oh, before i forget. i talked your neighbor out of pressing charges. the whackjob in the black lipstick who lives down the hall? she wanted you arrested for harassment. i told her to chill out and smoke a joint. i'd look the other way as long as she did you know? we're all here for you trevor. okay trevor. put the knife down. don't fucking lie to me! quick detour through the morgue boys. that's right trevor. the timing was impeccable wasn't it? it's been eight months two weeks and three days but we finally found the body. just need you to id it for us. that's the weird part. it just magically turned up in the river less than thirty yards from where the car had landed. like somebody put it there while we weren't looking. just keep walking trevor. you can't miss it. open this and your problem will disappear forever. and no one will ever suspect you. well i guess that's it then. thank you mrs. gooding i realize that must have been tough. well you made it down here that's the important part. thank you for your patience mrs. gooding. one last thing. when they found him he was holding something. not to get too graphic but they had to wrench it from his hand. figured you might want it. a token to remember him by now. goodbye mrs. gooding. you forgot something. no mrs. gooding.