it's too late. no matter what happens just remember. we're all here for you trevor. there is no reprieve for you. not even in her. she's only a vision i'm afraid. still in the dark i see? poor trevor. i hear everything. and soon you will know everything. more than you ever wanted i can guarantee that. but i want you to think for a minute first. think about all you've seen. all the clues you've been given. how is our little student doing? has he learned his lesson yet? use your mind for something other than numbers dear trevor. think about people for a change. people other than yourself. like the women you slept with behind your wife's back. you were always so confident you had covered your tracks. always confident your wife actually believed your fervent denials? part of you must have known she would find out. jealousy arouses a spouse's fury. and no mercy will be shown when that revenge is given. even a mind as narcissistic as yours must have wondered: what unspeakable acts was your wife committing behind your back? you probably don't remember the night we played. your first year as husband and wife. it must have seemed like we were uninvited guests crashing your little celebration. but someone was expecting us trevor. and everything went according to plan. we were about to come for kirsty. when we were offered a deal. we don't usually consider bargains but this one was too good to pass up. a tribute to the resourcefulness of a parent hellbent on protecting its spawn. the deal we were offered was this: three more souls in exchange for the life of the unborn child inside kirsty. the three souls had already been picked out. needless to say we were very impressed. two of your favorite companions, most supple and delicious as you already know. and the man you had at one time conspired to kill kirsty with. until you found out she was with child. they were all real screamers too. we had a blast. and there was one more. you've seen many things you wished you hadn't. many nightmares from which you never awoke. they were all clues in our little puzzle. can you guess now trevor? can you guess the fifth soul chosen for us to torment in this little agreement? welcome to the worst nightmare of them all, trevor. reality.