what things do you think you've done? trevor i'm sure you killed no one. you are very distraught over your wife's death and rightfully so. you did the right thing by confessing to me here tonight. and you should keep praying for the wisdom that will set your soul at ease. that being said, you are still in a highly emotional state right now. it might do you some good to get some professional help. confess to them the way you confessed to me. in time you'll probably find that the real killer has already been caught. or better yet. that these murders never happened at all. all you've got is the here and the now trevor. that's all anyone really has. maybe this will make things easier to understand. a man goes to sleep every night and has recurring dream that he's a butterfly. in time he begins to wonder if he might actually be a butterfly who dreams he's a man. and at the end of the day does it even matter? all these events you're describing. how can you be sure any of them really happened? shh. it's okay son. there is but one truth. one thing you can be absolutely sure of. and that thing is this: