these headaches you've been getting. do they happen in conjunction with the hallucinations? dreams? you should always listen to your subconscious. it's trying to tell you something about your waking life. none whatsoever. now just relax. let the needles do the driving. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back. trevor your body has been completely healed. all the nerve endings have repaired themselves. if there is any pain in your head it's. in your head. you are physically better. it's your soul that still hurts. my teacher told me once there's a puncture point on your body that can lock your soul within it, even after you're dead. so that when you die you're trapped inside your body, watching it corrode for all eternity. it was an analogy. your soul is locked up inside you. you need to free it trevor. you've blocked it from the healing process. that's what we need to do now. heal your soul. and to do that i you have to give in utterly and without any hesitation or doubt. do you know what i mean by giving in? it's about trust. do you trust me implicitly? you can trust me. your wife is dead and you need to move past that. and the only way to move past something completely is to go straight through it, not around it. surrender yourself to your wife's death. let it chew you up and spit you back out on the other side. it's the only way you can become whole again. are you ready? surrender yourself. surrender yourself. collecting 40ccs of serum. yeah all we need is the eel's motive. it's simple, dr. ambrose. what if there is no afterlife? what happens when we die? do we just stay stuck inside your bodies for eternity watching ourselves decompose?