i totally understand. listen i don't know if you're into incense but, i bought some, it's called witching hour. to inhale it is to love it. i mean the stuff'll clear your head big time. come on over, i'll burn some for you. if you can't sleep tonight. knock on my door, i'm a total insomniac. whew. you bounce right back don't you? didn't your like. whole life get totalled last week? the car accident? any of this ringing a bell? hey even if it is more power to ya. alrighty then. have a good time. hey. can i borrow something? you. you! you okay? really? i'm kinda feeling nuts myself! god. sometimes you can be such an animal. other times you are the ultimate tease. taste this. for starters. it's also got fennel, asparagus, olives, some more of mother nature's aphrodisiacs. back in college, me and my roommates used to call it hard- on stew. have some more. if you ever smelled this coming from our dorm room, you knew one of us was in there getting laid. it's getting hot in here. you're kidding right? you did! god, you are funny tonight. almost like i'm with somebody else. well now there's a compliment. can i help you? whoa, i have serious space issues, dude. what do you want? hey you're the guy from down the hall. what?! it's that guy from down the hall. he thinks we did something with him last night. are you cracking up or something?