twenty one. why do we have to do this now kirsty? five hundred ninety two thousand seven hundred and four. eighty four. but. i thought. what isn't wrong? why are you doing this anyway? sorry honey the present situation isn't exactly fodder for an erection. shouldn't we be getting to the hospital? just concentrate on the task at hand please. listen to me. you should be giving me this lecture. yes i had a quickie with the neighbor during your last contraction. i would never cheat on you. not while you're pregnant now you know that. share the pain kirsty. one fifteen. what? okay kirsty don't panic. just keep breathing! don't panic! put the seat back and hold on to something. were almost there! this isn't happening. honey, take it easy. your gonna be alright. kristy! kristy! where is she? where's kirsty? hey, what are you- what are you people doing?! what's happening to-! where do i start? i'm not sure. how about a jackhammer in the occipital lobe? are you a dream too? what just happened to me anyway? it looked like a dream but it felt like reality. where's kirsty? where's my wife? do you kids mind keeping it down? hey bret. christ, my head feels like a split coconut. give me a break. i checked back into the hospital- amongst other things. since what? sorry i just kind of. spaced for a second there. please, gwen. you're- you're all over me. nothing, look. gwen i really like you- please you're going way too fast for me here. gwen, my wife's dead. that was cold. i'm sorry gwen. i don't know what's happening to me. i think it's the painkillers, really. they mess with my head. yesterday gets blacked out and a memory from months ago is played out in vivid technicolor. like the accident just happened you know? you got trevor. where's my wife? what evidence? it should all in the report. i told you guys everything. she was giving birth in the fucking car. she grabbed the wheel and i lost control. why wouldn't i tell you everything? look, i've been fully cooperative. . to my recollection. kirsty. jesus, wake up! uhh. yes detective, sorry. just trying to recollect, you know? okay. from what i remember now, maybe my wife was thrown from the car when it hit the water. maybe she wasn't trapped inside. you guys know something i don't? oh. uh. it's beautiful. i'm sorry, i've just been having a weird day. no, thanks i've got a. a date tonight- -tawny. what do you mean? last week. it's not that kind of date. eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours. five hundred twenty five thousand. in a word? lucrative. enjoyable too. the merger never even felt work for one second. what? really? why? but you had more wisdom than to listen to a false prophet really, why's that? happy anniversary, mrs. gooding. hello? who's out there? gwen you scared the living shit out of me. what? do i really want to know what you're talking about? i'm sorry gwen. i just can't. what the hell? no! what's happening to me? what are you doing? i just had the most vivid dream. i was sure i was dying. let me see. oh yeah. my head feels like it's going through a meat grinder. i'm not sure if i'm dreaming or. your insight is enlightening. my wife said that exact same sentence to me the day we got married. she even winked too. no. just you. allison? why can't remember what happened to my wife? is it something i'm on that's. that's making me forget? no i need to remember. look whatever it is take me off it. i can handle pain. i can't handle not knowing. shit, i'm gonna be late! what? come on, bret. look, i'm doing my best considering okay? the boss won't notice me doing a bad job because i'm not. even if the boss thought i was slacking i'd know right away. i have my connections gwen. i crap you not. she was all over me yesterday in the break room. and she was a total machine last night too. serious as a heart attack my friend. i think she literally fucked me brains out. what are you talking about? jesus christ. honestly bret? i think i lost my mind. and now i'm finding pieces of it, like pieces of a wrecked car, scattered on the side of the road. yes, sort of. i was going to say dimensions. but i guess technically they are dreams. but i never feel like i'm sleeping. it's sort of, waking narcolepsy. i'll be somewhere and then- -it's like i was never wherever i was to begin with i was really somewhere else entirely. i'm thinking this might just be what i needed. uh thanks this looks a little important. could you let the folks upstairs know i'll be late? i'm sorry. i still. i don't understand how this is a homicide case. i mean nobody was murdered here. her body's been missing for i don't know how long now and. i said she's been missing for- what's the difference? i saw her drowning inside the car, detective. you could say that. as in one minus one equals zero yes. where are you going with this? i need to talk to my attorney. now. yes i need larry ellis' office please. yeah this is trevor gooding i need to speak with larry. trevor? kirsty gooding's husband? i see do you know when he'll be out that meeting? fine i'll uh. call back then. okay you give him the message and he'll call me that's great. uh. sure, tawny. what? tawny? what's- what are you doing? i'm, uh, not sure. feeling kind of weird actually. i've never said this to a woman before but can't we talk a little bit before grabbing at each other? wow. that's good. lots of capers, huh? not a very appetizing name. you must have been very proud of yourselves. jesus. who did that to you? tawny i think i'm going to be sick. i'm certainly keeping you busy huh? these hallucinations i'm having. i think they're more like memories coming back to me in a strange way. if they're blocked memories. i'm starting to realize the reason why i blocked them out. allison i think i really. screwed everything up. i miss her. i miss my wife. tawny. i- you're- i. think we need to talk, there's something really strange going on. come on, quit fucking around. listen it's about. what we did together last night. who's- who's in there with you? i. who are you? okay. i don't want any trouble. i was mistaken. i'll see you later. you already asked me that ten minutes ago just before you put me on hold. i'm looking for defective- i mean detective lange. just open the doors i'll jump off. where's my wife detective lange? what the hell did you do with her?! why did you leave me that message? liar! look larry i know you never thought too much of me. and i know this all sounds a little fucked up. i swear these guys are like playing mindgames with me. i think they got a hold of my e-mail address at work too. hey ninety five point three percent of all murders are committed by either a spouse, a direct relative or a close friend that's common knowledge. but this wasn't murder it was an accident- how much do i stand to inherit if kirsty is presumed dead? uh. ballpark would be fine larry. what happens if i'm convicted of kirsty's murder? please larry. pretend you like me and humor me. hello? city? cops? it's a fucking conspiracy! thanks for your concern larry. and fuck you too. you can go. i'm going to be here a while. allison. allison we have got to talk about this medication you've got me on. really? does it affect the memory? some call it resilience. others, stupidity. everything okay allison? the way you just looked at me. so, i'm done. thats it for today? think about it. in the entire world where's the most life-threatening place you could possibly be at any given moment. hint. it's not a geographical location. it's inside a moving car. i've got numbers to back me up. over the course of one year more americans die in car accidents than did during the entire span of world war ii. statistically speaking? inside a moving bus. millions of people around the world get on busses every day. when was the last time you heard of anybody anywhere dying on a public transit bus? please. heart attack. that was easy street. skin cancer. pitbull attacks. like you're gonna check. we startred off to be. she was, i guess i was. i just sort of. butchered up the relationship somehow. bad choice of words. yeah. it's like i was a different guy then i am today. i can't remember that guy. i see these women, they think i'm someone else, and i'm not that guy anymore. i'm not sure who kristy knew. i did more then that. lucky for us these chairs happened to be here. no. she just would have loved it up here. allison when i was under. did i ever talk? was there anything i said that made you stop and wonder, you know, "where did that come from?" well? did i ever talk about the accident? did i ever talk about kirsty? what was it? it means i have alot more questions. sorry. i understand. i won't- why didn't you tell me sooner? i would have switched doctors! don't say a word, bret. no please make yourself at home. can't we dispense with the games for once? i'll just stay out of this conversation until you come out and tell me why you've disrupted me at work. where is she? where is my wife? it looks familiar. i think it was in the car. what? thanks. i'm sure you would have. what's the occasion? how much time off? as much as he likes? so you're just packing it up just like that? yeah? you and who else? but. i thought. kristy noooo! yes i'm trying to reach one of your interns. allison dormere? she works in the emergency room there. what do you mean? i just saw her today. yes i'm sure she works there i've been in and out of that place five times in the last month! well good day to you too asshole! no such listing? could you at least tell me if she has an unlisted number? what do you mean there are no dormeres at all there have to be! well look again! h-hello? hello? kirsty? sage it's me trevor. you've got to help me. the feeling is very distinct. it's like somebody stuck a shard of glass through my eye and it's embedded halfway into my brain. jeez it's getting awful crowded in there. look, whatever your marharagi, told you, forget. you've got to get this fuckin pain to stop. i don't even know what's real and what isn't how can i trust anyone? i surrender. wait. what the hell is this. kirsty. kirsty? you're alive. it's perfect. kirsty. i'm glad you're alive. ambulance. two. you mean. when the car went off the bridge? no. maybe. i don't know. ambrose. i know. i've been in here before. join the club. where's allison? allison dormere. your intern. don't tell me. ëwe're all here for you trevor' right? go ahead say it! you know you want to! i don't work here. allison! am i glad to see you! no. everything's not right. not at all. allison i think i did some very, very bad things. i mean very bad. maybe i wasn't responsible for the car accident. but i'm starting to think i was. i was going to. what do you want?! i don't know what i'm doing here. i'm not even catholic. i just had to tell somebody. it's like, ever since my wife died i don't know what i've actually done or what i've imagined. but i do know if one tenth of what's happening to me is reality. i've done some really awful things in my life. things that i've. i guess i've blocked out. wow. let's see. so many sins so little time. for starters i was responsible for the death my wife who by the way was carrying my unborn child. that was so i could collect her eight million dollar estate. i think i killed several women i was having mindless sex with behind her back. but i saw these women. i saw their mutilated bodies. i saw their ghosts. i just know it happened i can feel it. but that's what i need. to be sure. to be absolutely sure. who are you? this game is over do you hear me? who are you! where's my wife?! where's my wife!? bret. what the fuck? bret. what the hell is going on? bret you are making no sense whatsoever. no! trevor alan gooding. thirty one. for the last time. i honestly don't know how any of them died. what's that? i did it. i killed them all. i confess. morgue? where was it? i don't know who you are or what you want. i just want to know what's under that sheet. what's under that sheet? what's under the sheet? no. no. nooo!! 89: