daddy? i got through. i found a room. i said: i found a room. no dad. you'd like my room. no, no. not just yet. it needs . er . some work. i'm not going to change my mind, dad. great. maybe tomorrow. i got to go look for a job. i love you too. hi. not much. dad? big house. me like. is julia here? suprise. o.k. i'll be nice. you get on with the muscle work. i'll make myself some coffee. shit! shit! sure. have you got a towel? hi. i got soaked. which is where? did dad tell you i got a room, by the way? waterloo. centre of the known universe. what's happening? where's my father? sure. what happened? sure. i've forgotten. that's right. cointreau. i won't be able to stand. just upstairs. i am house-trained. i know. hello? oh, it's you. i'm here. i'm coming! sleep well. you know i do know the way home. not that late. all right. no. that's nice. what do we do if there isn't? yeah, there's room. and there's julia. she's so damn . english. oh, i don't know. up-tight. frigid. there ya go. i beg your pardon? oh no? it's not what i heard. in a moment. you keep your - oh. hi. i don't finish till twelve. i just wanted to be sure you were o.k. maybe you should give it some time. she's not like mom. she's . i don't know . moody. i thought that was what you liked about her. i don't know her. she's so . sealed up. really? what? sure. oh my god. julia! keep your fucking distance. julia! where's julia? christ, what have you done with her. no. no. no. get the fuck off me. don't touch me. or so help me - this isn't happening. no. you want it? this isn't happening. i think so. tender. i want to speak to my father . why not? um. sure. he's probably got a meeting. i called a friend of mine. he's coming; is that o.k.? where the hell did you come from? it's just a puzzle box. who are you? well, i didn't mean to open that thing. you can go back wherever you came from. this isn't for real. don't touch me! steve. thank god you came. these things . they want to take me - no! don't let them take me, steve - please go, steve. just go. please. i'll be o.k. i'm going to go see dad. he'll look after me - will you go, damn you? sure. why not? 'bye. let me alone, will you? wait! you did this before, right? to a man called frank cotton? but he escaped you. he did. i've seen him. he's alive. i'll take you to him. then you take him instead of me. back wherever you come from. please! dad! it's me! it's kirsty! please, answer me! please - where's daddy? i have to see my father. i was here this afternoon. i saw everything. oh god. thank god. i thought something might have . no. you don't understand. your brother - frank - he's here in the house. and he's - finished? gone? i don't believe it. i want to see. yes! i have to get out. i can't stay. oh my god. what are you doing here? god - go on. kill me. i don't care. you bastard frank. what took you so long? we have to get out of here. they'll kill us for the fun of it. julia? don't! shit. shit. shit. not tonight.