it's one of these. like who? ah! success. well. this is it. it's just been empty a while. besides, it's an old house. the best part of ten years. i wanted to sell it off at one point, after the old lady died, but i couldn't get frank to agree. christ. it's not been touched. look at this. i don't know. probably wanted a hideaway. we'll sell it. sell everything. he won't complain. he can pay off some of his creditors. you know we have to let kirsty see this place, before we do anything to it. she'll love it. you don't like it? you're still blaming me. you wanted to come back to london. we came back. so what's the argument? oh christ. julia . shit. i hear you. where are you? frank. he's been here. there's stuff in the kitchen. he must have made a hasty exit. hello ? is there anybody there? there's nobody there - i'm surprised it's even connected . who's there? where are you? what did you say? well? we'll move in sunday. wait! wait! watch the fucking paint work. it'll go in. alright, let's give it another try. how are you doing through there? i'll get it. honey! you like? i'll show you around when we've got this damn bed moved. upstairs. treat her gently, huh? she hates moving. kirsty. kitchen's through on your left uh-huh. her mother's dead. julia's my second wife. damn right. now are we going to move the bed or not? are you o.k.? wait! wait! slowly, will you? slowly! will you take the weight while i take a step up? christ! my fucking hand! you fucking ass-holes. oh christ . oh . christ . julia . i cut myself. i don't know, i haven't looked. you know me and blood. shit. i'm going to throw up. so damn stupid. i'll be scarred for life. - always hated the sight of my own blood. i go out like a light. anybody else's? no problem. but mine . you know . goes straight to my head. anyhow, this damn doctor's poking around and i'm saying: i'm going to pass out, and he's saying, no you're not, no you're not. next thing i know - - i wake up on the floor. i should do it! i know. and he's saying: i'm sorry. i'm sorry. right . anyone for more? come on, you're only young once - what are you drinking, love? steve? are you o.k.? bill? absolutely not. sit down. we've got celebrating to do. only when i laugh. it's round on the left - sweetheart? where are you? are you there? julia? are you there? julia? sweetheart . i've been calling you. oh, babe . can i get you anything? sure. julia? are you all right? i'm o.k., honey. it's all right . never better. you sleep well. i love you, honey. kirsty. is this upsetting you? are you all right? only i'll turn it off - what was that? no. something else. no. i'll do it. what's wrong with you? i'm here. oh baby. come with me then. we must have rats. see? quite safe. oh babe . i love you, honey . let me . oh god . i love you . oh baby . i love you . huh? what's wrong with you? i don't understand you. one moment you're all over me, the next it's: don't touch me. maybe we should never have come back. i guess. you don't like her at all do you? she doesn't even want to leave the house. it's like she's waiting for something. i don't know. i don't know. it's beyond me. would you . maybe call round sometime? try to make friends. maybe all she needs is some company. julia? what's wrong? what are you talking about? of course. it's all right, sweetheart. julia's told me everything; and it's all right . whatever frank did was his error. and it's finished with now. he's gone. he was insane, baby: a mad dog. i put him out of his misery - i'll go to the police, when i'm feeling stronger. try and find some way to make them understand, though god knows i don't really understand myself. did he hurt you? poor frank. he's better off dead. i'm afraid it's true. no you don't. show her. where are you going? stay with me - - it's all right. really it is . come to daddy. come to daddy.