this is a convenience store with a number of tables at which to eat donuts. henry is at one of the tables, correcting the spelling in simon's notebook, when he looks up and sees. same time. later. same time. simon is asleep with his head down on the table. he wakes finally and sees. moments later. evening. fay comes walking up through the parking lot with simon's notebooks and a pile of typed papers. she's a wreck; tear- stained face and a ball of tissues gripped in her hand like a weapon. she throws open the door to the world of donuts and looks around. simon talks with fay as she eats her lunch. henry paces back and forth. with the fingers of one hand pressed against his forehead and his eyes closed tight in concentration, he dictates to amy, who is sitting at a table with her laptop computer, typing his every word. henry is leaning on the counter, flipping through pornographic magazines and smoking. henry is leaning on the counter with a six-pack of beer, pleading with mr deng. moments later. moments later. a huge crowd of kids are pressed up against the doors, trying to get a peek at their hero, simon grim. moments later.