you want some? she's mute. she don't -- you know -- talk. oh, shit! fuck. bug off, vicky! 'saving america from itself.' what the fuck is this? oh yeah, like what? what time's your kid go off to school? how about i come over and visit you later? come on. i mean it. i'm trying to change. hey, simon, you a registered voter? immigrant. excuse me, miss, are you a registered voter? well, i'd like to give you some information about congressman owen feer. this man is gunna make a big difference in the lives of every american in the years to come. pardon me, sir. right. what time's your mother get off work? fay, are you a registered voter? i'm watchin' her. i gotta regular job now and everything. he's gunna be the next president of the united states of america, fay. i like him! he's a decent man. he takes complicated issues and totally simplifies them. and i appreciate that. no. you know what the problem is with this country, fay? me. i'm the problem. we live in a culture of poverty and crime, where the work ethic is undermined and male responsibility is made irrelevant. she gives you any trouble, fay, you just let me know. jesus christ, simon, you're letting yourself go to hell! you read that flyer i gave you? simon, wake up and smell the coffee, huh! it's up to guys like you and me to help create a better tomorrow! why would i steal a computer from the campaign office? don't judge me! vicky, look i'm sorry. henry! listen, henry, i wanna remind you to vote this thursday. it's every american's right. a blessing. yet another opportunity to save america from itself. he lost. congressman feer. what's the fucking use. you make sacrifices. you try to be a decent human being. try to contribute something meaningful to society. and what happens? they lose to a bunch of cultural elite liberal fuck-ups. i don't give a shit anymore. people deserve what they get. i'm warning you, pearl! hey! yeah, who the hell do you think you are, anyway? ah. fuck.