oh, hi. hi, rob. yeah, ok. i found the first licorice comfits album at vintage vinyl. the one on testament of youth. never released here. japanese import only. i'll tape it for you. 'cause you like their second one, you said, pop, girls. etc. the one with cheryl ladd on the cover. you didn't see the cover though. well, i'll just make it for you. the new belle and sebastian. like it? it's the new -- mitch ryder and the detroit wheels? oh well. nevermind. nothing. nothing. i just prefer the other one. can i help you? that'll be fifteen-twenty-seven. yes. hey, guys. hey. are you all right? 'course i will, rob. no problem. no problem at all. i'll tell him next time i see him. i've ah. got some other stuff to tell him anyway, so it's no problem. i'll just tell him about, you know, laura, when i tell him the other stuff. i'll start with your news before i tell him mine, obviously. mine isn't much, really, just about marie lasalle playing at lounge ax tonight. i like her, you know, she's kind of sheryl crowish. but, you know, good. so i'll tell him before that. good news and bad news kind of thing. or rather, bad news and good news, because he likes this person playing tonight. i mean, he liked laura too, i didn't mean that. and he likes you. it's just that -- sure. 'course. rob, look. do you want to. talk about it, that kind of thing? rob! yeah. she shouldn't done it on "the number four with a smile." that's what i said. it's a reference to a chinese meal in toronto and i think that there is a "the." but i could be wrong. just in the background somewhere. i want a tape. he's got one! a couple blocks! about six! you'd love it! rob. marie lasalle is in the store! here, she's here, and now! rob --! is listening to a female customer, but he doesn't hear her voice. thinking, calculating. the interesting thing about green day is that so much of their music is in truth directly influenced by, in my opinion, two bands. correct. the clash. but also the stranglers. i think you would love the stranglers. do it. do it. well we rang $900 today. rob. phone. it's laura. i can't go to the club tonight, guys. nobody. anna. anna moss. yeah. well. i'll see you tomorrow, rob. don't do it, rob! phone, rob. somebody named charlie. i'm sorry, rob, that's, it's -- did you know that after that song was recorded, jan himself crashed his -- "abraham, martin, and john." that's a nice one. it's vince and justin.