in almost darkness. more light might penetrate the windows if there weren't so many record-release posters taped to them. a dusty narrow corridor clad in burlap and shag rug. on the walls are bagged 45's you will never hear unless you commit your life to the losing proposition of listening to every noodling of jah wobble and glen glenn and other people you've never heard of. dick and barry are stocking the racks. rob stands at the register, rocking back and forth sort of like an idiot, to "always and forever" by the commodores. he is a mess. saturday. for the first time we see the place kind of busy. rob watches the room. barry is toward the back, talking to a customer. "cruel to be kind" by nick lowe plays. empty. dick prices records out on the floor. rob leans against the register. barry sits on a stool next to him. rob hears the door open as he stocks shelves, and turns. rob enters the already open store, in a bad mood, to find barry putting up a poster. it reads: rob and barry. rob is standing shelves. a very pretty young woman, caroline, comes through the door and looks around. she sees rob. rob is tucked into the corner, on the phone.