rob stands in front of his wall of music, shifting lps around between the shelves and piles on the floor as he talks to us. rob presses play on the answering machine. a pleasant, older female voice is heard. it's janet, laura's mother. rob is surrounded by stacks of records on the floor. he looks to camera. darkness. we move silently through the rooms, and enter the bedroom. closer to the bed, we see rob on his back, sheets held clenched up to his chin. he stares at the ceiling, sadly. rob is soaking, slumped in his chair, his headphones on and the stereo lit up behind him. he talks a little loud, due to the headphones. rob holds an old crumpled address book in one hand and the phone in the other. close-up: phone book rob opens the door to find laura filling a duffel bag in the living room.