those. what do you think? give me fifty bucks and they're all yours. i know what they're worth. give me fifty and get them out. i must have nothing. their my husband's. he's in jamaica with a twenty-three- year-old. a friend of my daughter's. he had the fucking nerve to call me and ask me to borrow some money and i told him to fuck off, so he asked me to sell his singles collection and send him a check for whatever i go, minus a ten percent commission. which reminds me. can you make sure you give me a five? i want to frame it and put it on the wall. years. this collection is as close as he's ever come to an achievement. that wasn't part of the deal. i want to be poisonous but fair. suit yourself. there are plenty of others who will. sixty. seventy-five. and i won't take a penny over ninety. with eleven hundred he could come home, and that's the last thing i want. fine. sure. ten cents. okay. because you took the trouble to come up here. and because you've got principles. but that's it. i'm not selling them to you one by one.