make it pretty now. it's the bottom of the ninth. bikers dismount and converge on duncan, swinging their weapons to limber up. duncan backs away. this is unheard of-- immortals packing like jackals. whole new ballgame. three immortals attack. they're good. duncan's better. about three times better. jockeys his camcorder-- goes in tight on duncan. sup with the new blood, huh? who's gonna lay him out? take his secret sauce? you, winston? winston, the tall jamaican, stands off to one side watching, the lone holdout. calvin nope. too proud. old school. how 'bout you, carlos? you good for it? carlos--? carlos hurtles through frame. lands hard. i'll catch you later. swish pan to: win-ston. hey, c'mon. awright. you're out. you're out. you don't g&z out. you saw what he did to carlos. he's genghis the fucking hun, man. you live his way or you die your way. be grateful you got the choice. winston looks off. huh? say how much you value your life? sorry there, cinque', but i got a bigger price goin on this unit. what about. you really think we can take him? yeah and who takes his head, huh? gets that bucket fulla lucky charms. you, mr cool? who's gonna be master then? huh? kase looks to sarge.