you look like shit. week, maybe longer. we can't talk here. we gotta go. dawson reacts to the sound of approaching footsteps. dawson now. can you walk? just because i'm a watcher, doesn't mean i'm always in the loop. i really struggled with it, y'know, the idea of keeping guys on ice like that. but i couldn't argue with the logic. least not 'til they went after you. guess that put it a little too close to home. do me a favor, buddy. live to pay me back. listen-- i got you outta one jam. don't push your luck. they're dead. trust me. yes. the heads are gone. you really don't wanna go there. alright. alright-- if i tell you, that's it, i'm outta here! you're on your own! i can't be a part of this, ok?! fuck. i'm a part of it. he throws the car back into gear and fishtails back onto the road. cut to: it was a christian burial. decent. they said all the right words. needless to say, with a dozen unexplainable corpses, they had to go a bit off the beaten track. i'm not digging. get that through your skull right now. not these hands. what? duncan remains frozen, staring, seemingly at nothing. dawson my dog used to do that with locked closets. i hate that. tell me i'm not here for a seance. duncan squints. feels the buzz. slight, but unmistakable. what he sees: a row of stunted oaks, thick and gnarled againt the setting sun. i feel like i stepped in on the wrong party. duncan keeps watching the convertible until it disappears over the next rise. i swear, the man's a walking ghost. whatever it is he's carrying around inside him, it's like he's dead already. glare of streetlights rake across connor's face, his eyes fixed forward as if driven by a sense more powerful than sight. connor bumps shoulders with a passing pedestrian. where now? and the other? it's an old abandoned church just off canal. . . perfect safe haven for a so-called priest, huh? "our lady of sorrows." kinda has a nice ring to it. he fishtails around the next corner. recovers. dawson i'll tell ya this-- if he's going after kase, he's in for a rude awakening. the man's untouchable. it's wrong. what you're doing. it's inhuman. gimme a reason, matthew. gimme a reason. matthew cocks his head like the rca dog. gimme a good reason. matthew pulls a gun. aims it at dawson's heart. reason enough. cut to: