funny how 'the time slips by, huh? you wake up one day and ohmigod-- airplanes! remember our wedding day, duncan? i do. she takes him by the hands and leads him into an impromptu dance. faith we danced the "highland fling." she spins under his arm, circles back into his embrace. faith i felt like we were flying. her sinuous body moves in perfect sync with his. faith and that we'd never come down. she spins out of his arms again-- --and spin kicks him across the face. blood spatters from his nose and mouth. faith of course, we did come down. didn't we? crashinq. duncan staggers backward into a concrete stanchion. recovers. they stand facing each other across a gulf centuries wide. isn't it obvious? i wanted to see you again. duncan tenses at-- more friends. pan the faces. carlos from bed-stuy, bug from kyoto, winston from jamaica, sarge from shreveport and cracker bob from nowhere in particular. and then there's calvin. a swaggering immortal from the he's traded brute force in on a brand new weapon of choice. a digital video camera. i get a bit fussy whenever somebody points a sword at me. goes a long way back. their eyes fix on one another. air thickens. buzzes with electricity. because i've never known anyone who had such an amazing capacity for hate. except me. on that, she brushes past duncan and rejoins kase. transition to: ext - irish countryside, 17th century - day duncan and connor ride side by side on horseback. they reach a as she and kase drive away from the cemetery in a late model convertible. what? do you believe in a hereafter, winston? yeah. cut to: who stands at a distance. watching him. as their eyes meet, she, too, turns and melts back into the surrounding blackness. transition to: ext - dublin rowhouse - day throws back her head, biting back the shudders of release. . . . and sinks down into the bed with a drawn sigh. you had no right. you wanted this! i never asked for eternity! you forced it on me! it was my decision, not yours!! understood? which part?! the part about never having children? or the endless, numbing sameness of it all? or maybe you mean the part where you wake up one day and realize you're nothing but a whore racking up faceless affairs because whole lifetimes tick by so fast they don't even count anymore! she wraps her arms around herself as if to stem the escaping demons. duncan remains silent, taking it all in. faith here's the kicker, duncan. i came here for one reason and one reason only. to see if i could feel again. anything. she walks out, leaving the door hanging wide in her wake. let go! let go!! glad i can help you feel a bit better about yourself there, jacob. fuck you. kase runs a delicate finger across her neck. holy ground, lover. it's a bitch, ain't it? cut to: slow down. i'm not amused, jacob. she reaches over and slaps on her shoulder harness. i don't know what you're trying to prove. kase puts an arm around her shoulder. except me. and that bugs the shit out of you, doesn't it? stirs and slowly wrenches herself free of the smoking mangle of steel and plastic. she reaches back and pulls kase's sword free of the wreckage. with single-minded determination, she limps over to kase's body, face-up in his own pooling blood. a disbelieving pedestrian pauses in shock. faith gives her a twisted smile. don't mind us. pedestrian scurries off as faith lifts the sword over her head and brings it whistling down across kase's neck. with inhuman reflexes, kase awakens and catches her wrist in the same heartbeat. eyes narrow. so. what am i supposed to do next -- kiss you or take your head? duncan steps up to her, smiling enigmatically.