true. and we were more than happy to perform our traditional function. believe me, it's a whole lot easier charting the history of immortals than it is running a day care center for them. unfortunately our role has changed somewhat. because the rules have been broken. you're not the one we're worried about. matthew moves to the other side of the chair. pegs the arm cuff and ratchets down a redundant set of bindings. matthew one of your kind has gone renegade. in doing so he's gained himself a sizeable advantage. one that will be impossible to overcome. he's surrounded himself with immortals loyal only to him. he uses holy ground as a safe haven. and every head taken in battle is reserved for him alone, each quickening-- hundreds upon hundreds-- taken by just one man. yes, duncan. he is unbeatable. matthew pours a scotch. glenmorangie. holds it to duncan's lips like the final offering to a condemned man. matthew worse still, far worse, is that he's become a perversion to the game. and if he prevails, that perversion will resonate through everything we know. for eternity. in ways we can't possibly comprehend. duncan tugs at his bonds. knows what's in store for him. matthew there must always be two of your kind. as long as there are two, and they're kept from fighting, the prize is safe. the sanctuary must continue. we had a number of "volunteers." sadly, that's no longer the case. another watcher steps up and forces an iron face shackle down over duncan's head. matthew you'll be warehoused. hidden away. so the prize can remain safe. duncan struggles frantically against his bonds. for the world, duncan. we do this for the world. the watcher takes two large bolts and begins to screw the mask directly into duncan's skull. duncan's pov: blackness, accompanied by bright searing flashes of i'm a bit surprised to see you again. all things considered. dawson just stands there, hands plunged inside his coat pockets. matthew as you can see, we had to move on. find a new sanctuary. ah, but they're not human, really. are they? it's for the good of us all. you know that. because we must. it's that simple. and if you get in our way again, there will be very serious consequences. i'm sorry to have to do this, joe. he pulls the trigger. as two slugs pound into his chest. matthew topples backward, dead. dawson palms the gun still concealed in his coat pocket. nods.