dont be long. so it's true. he moves slowly among them. stranger what sacrifices they made of you all. warehoused, like rotting pieces of meat. he pauses to lift up a downcast head. gazes into the shackled face. the eyes are covered by strips of rusted iron, the face by tangled beard. stranger tell me-- is this the better way? i'm sure you've had some time to reflect on it. one by one, the recently-dead intruders filter into the room, led by the jamaican. blood stipples their clothes, streaks their faces. but they are, in every other sense, fully-restored. stranger straightens, swivels around to the terrified custodian. custodian backpeddles into the wall. which one is connor macleod? don't. lie. to. me. you need to understand one thing, my gimpy friend. i don't care about the game. i don't care about the rules. i don't even care about these other pathetic souls you lock away as a barrier to the prize. the custodian stares back, uncomprehending. stranger i want connor macleod. give me macleod and i'll leave. and you can go right on pretending that what you do here actually matters. the custodian lifts a shaking finger. rack focus to: the prisoner in the last chair even with an iron slat across his eyes, he is unmistakably connor macleod. stranger lets go of the custodian, turns. long time. connor strains to lift his head. his voice comes weak and drug-heavy. you'll know soon enough. i'm sorry, duncan. when it comes to discipline, the first hundred years are the hardest. duncan lowers his katana, turns to the stranger as-- what was that? i thought i told you to stop. is that clear? stranger takes carlos' sword and yanks it uo to his own neck -. stranger here's your chance. carlos stares wide-eyed. pride won't let him back down. fear won't let him proceed. stranger take it. you won't have another. we can feel the sudden hammering of carlos' heart. am i? then go ahead. stop the madness. or walk away. in perpetual fear of your own shadow. tell me, carlos. can you live with that? can you live with the fear? can you live with the weakness? you'll know soon enough.