what about that? about the only thing that doesn't. just show her what she came for, tom. this your present address? mr.- taupin, what were you doing in that alley? did you know the victim? his name was iman fasil if that jogs your memory. he was carrying a syrian passport and had been in the country less than a week. two days ago a bulgarian national was murdered the same way. he'd also been in the country less than a week. what is your citizenship? do you make a habit of hanging out in that neigh- borhood at night? let's just say that in my years with this department i've seen more than one well dressed business man look for a hand job on 14th street. what were _you_ looking for? you're wrong. do you know what this is? a claymore to be exact. you wouldn't know anything about it would you? it was covered with mr. fasil's fingerprints, but none of his blood. for the moment. all right mr. taupin, we'll be in touch. there's been another murder. where were you tuesday night? a neighbor saw your car leave. look, i don't know what the hell you're up to, but i think i've got a pretty good idea. all i need is time. a murder. i've got a morgue filling up with bodies. that's my right. well, the man of the hour that we all would like to talk to about now has apparently skipped town. and all of a sudden the smithsonian's ambulence chaser is an expert on missing persons. you and i should talk first. what are you going to tell them? that you're protecting a man who's killed four people? all fashionably without heads. but there's more. wednesday someone played javelin with the cemetary curator in felton, delaware. some locals spotted two cars with d.c. plates and surprise surprise, they turn out to be registered to our own brenna cartwright and the ever popular richard taupin. you've been a busy little beaver. especially with that records mess up in church hill. your notes are very complete. naturally my feelings were crushed when you didn't rush right over and tell us what you knew. in fact, we're considering book- ing the ambulence chaser as an accessory to murder. but we might just give it the 'ole college try. what with the court back ups, it could be days before you got an arraignment. but then, i'm sure the flunk-out neice of the d.a. knows all about that. i want taupin. just for laughs we raided wonder boy's house. there was a gallon of one of the corpse's blood in his carpet. i think it was about then i withdrew his name for humanitarian of the year. what were you doing in felton? i have witnesses that can put the two of you together. don't be stupid, lady. your neck can be sliced as fast as anyone else's. i want people in here to check over every piece of this stuff. yeah. any other i.d.s come up? should have seen him the first night. son of a bitch stood there with a quart of blood on his pant leg and didn't even blink. i think he has. are you sure? round up who you can and put them on standby. no. i want this to be all ours. moran. all right, get a patrol unit out there right away. i'll meet them. stands in the entryway. the knight sees him.