when your father died i saw to it that the grounds were kept up. oh yes, more than enough. most of the furniture was put into protective storage. i'll have some boys come up and clean the place out for you. you're one of william's kids, huh? sure take after him. never seen a father and son look more alike. the resemblance is amazing. i'll send them right up. morning mr. north such a pretty day. if i live to be 90 i'll never tire of mornings like this. mind you i'm 74 now. yes sir. when you get older your priorities change. it's the simple things that count. without them growing old can be a very lonely thing. mr. taupin! glad you could make it. best get some punch before it's gone. near the whole valley showed up. mr. taupin is up from washington to look over his father's estate. sorry mr. taupin. that's not meant for you. just some didn't take much to your father. family down the road from the taupin place was murdered. all cut up they were. horrible. two strangers were also found with the bodies. no one ever accused william, but with his reputation as a loner and the rumors about him and some of the wives in town, folks just never forgot. most were relieved when they heard he'd died. sorry mr. taupin. just your pappy scared some.