even ten minutes is a long time to be away from you. i said -- uh -- i said even ten minutes -- is a long time -- to be away from you. i'd like to spoil him just once. sure you don't want me to go in with you? i suppose you're right -- but if it gets rough, remember i'm here. mr. burns! mr. burns -- i'm bruce baldwin! yes! mr. -- well -- no -- no -- not at all. oh. well, er -- it looked a little cloudy this morning. where are we going? no -- she didn't. oh, i'll take the same, i guess. and a glass of milk. yes. feels awful good. yes, sir -- we're taking the four o'clock train to albany and tomorrow we'll be married. oh, it isn't like that. no. my mother. i don't think she'll need you very much -- i aim to do most of the protecting myself. well, i'll try to give her one. just for the first year. mighty nice little town, albany. they've got the state capitol there, you know. well, albany's a mighty good insurance town. most people there take it out pretty early in life. well, i honestly feel that way. i figure i'm in one line of business that really helps people. of course, we don't help you much when you're alive -- but afterward -- that's what counts. you've forgotten my milk. he hasn't brought my milk yet. you know, hildy, he's not a bad fellow. oh, he's not the man for you. i can see that. but i sort of like him. got a lot of charm. if anybody had told me i'd be sitting at lunch with him -- but he swept me right off my feet. too hot? say, what's happened to burns? he looks sunk, doesn't he? anything the matter? just what is the lowdown on williams? are you sure williams is not all there? but couldn't you show the man wasn't responsible? how long would the interview take? we could take the six o'clock train, hildy. if it would save a man's life. i don't use my wife for business purposes, mr. burns! well, at his age, twenty payment life, a little over a thousand dollars. but -- i could get a company doctor in twenty minutes. about twenty-five hundred dollars. all right, dear. the five hundred? sure. but -- but i don't gamble, hilda! all right. one -- two -- three -- four -- five. five hundred. be careful, honey. i never knew hildy to be so determined before. i don't know. this makes me feel funny. i feel i ought to take care of her. well, i'm independent, too. well, of course, if you put it that way. i'm beginning to realize that. gee, you almost make me feel like a heel -- coming between you. certified! i'm afraid hildy'd feel ashamed to think she hadn't trusted you. well, she'll know some day. thanks. i'll phone hildy right away to get that story. thanks a lot. oh, sure. well, thanks for everything. so long. certified and everything. got it right here in my wallet. what? no, he's not here -- i'm in a phone booth. all right. wait a minute. all right. i've done it. now, are you satisfied? he's crazy. i haven't any watch. i haven't got -- i never saw it before. my hat! i'm innocent. i didn't do anything. i never stole a watch in my life. i lost my wallet. that's right here. gee, it was lucky your telling me about that old newspaper superstition. i can't imagine who did it. i can't think of any enemies i have. for a minute, i thought maybe walter burns was at the back of it. but then i realized he couldn't have been. oh, i realized right away. he's really a very nice fellow, hildy -- i found that out. did you finish the interview? but, gee, hildy -- he gave us that insurance business -- and you promised -- hildy! hildy! not through any help of yours, hildy. i waited and waited and then i had an idea and wired albany to send me a hundred dollars so i could get out on bail. i don't know what they'll think -- they sent it to the police station! i know i got you into this, hildy, but it does seem to me that you can't care much for me if you're willing to let me stay locked up for two hours. did you say anything, mister burns? oh. i wonder what's keeping mother? she was supposed to come down and get you. where'd she go? hildy! where's mother? did you give her the money? then suppose you give me the money. four hundred and fifty dollars. thank you. and i'll take that certified check, too. i've decided i can handle things around here. you got it back, eh? there's something funny going on around here. i'm taking the nine o'clock train, hildy. and you can meet us at the station. if she's not there, mother and i are leaving anyhow! suppose she is -- i have feelings, too! do you know where i've been for the last couple of hours? locked up in a police station and she didn't move to do anything about it. and now i don't know where my mother is. she may be lost. she's -- well, she's very motherly. that's about the best description i know. the money? why? gee! take a look, will you? say, i want to be sure, too! but, mother --