the newspapers! sheriff, they're the scum of modern civilization. they're always after me for interviews. of course, i sort of promised them i would give out a statement when i got through here. you don't mind? we'll have to satisfy them. what would you say to giving them a joint interview? i could give them some of the psychological aspects of the case and you could give them the legal aspects. yes, shaking hands. i don't take a very good picture, though. yes, i suppose so. it all helps. oh, i'm sorry. i forgot you were here. no, mr. williams, we still have some questions for you. sheriff, will you kindly extinguish the lights? you know you are to be executed, mr. williams. who do you feel is responsible for that? i see. you realize, however, that you committed a crime? just one thing more. i'd like to reenact the crime, mr. williams. may i have your gun, please, sheriff? come, come, sheriff, lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice. nothing's going to happen. now, the sheriff will be mollie malloy, in whose room you were. you will be earl williams. and i will be the policeman. follow me, mr. williams? so -- now i say to you: 'earl williams, you are under arrest!' and you point your gun at me. point the gun at me! then what did you do?