criminal courts press room.  this is endicott.  no, nothing new on the williams case yet boss. well, you bet i'm here plugging away every minute. up a dime.
three sixes. is that any good?
well, that about covers everything.
say, that's old prissy bensinger's desk.
i call. what you got?
beats king up.
why don't you use him for a bridesmaid, hildy?
why can't they hang that guy at a reasonable hour, so we can get some sleep?
this egelhoffer's pretty good.
don't you remember? he's the guy went to washington to interview the brain trust, and gave out a statement that they were all sane. it created a sensation!
trouble is, when the red menace shows up the sheriff will still be crying 'wolf!'
who's this guy she's gonna marry?
well, if she's gonna write fiction, there's nothing like being a reporter.
kid, those were pretty roses you sent earl. what do you want done with them tomorrow morning?
you've been sucking around that cuckoo ever since he's been in the death- house. everybody knows you're his sweetheart.
got a match?
but you'll have to hurry up -- he left a call for seven a.m.
don't get hysterical, kid.
what's the use? i can't win a pot.
lioness rushes to defense of cub.
don't give us that ethics stuff. you'll be the only one who'll swipe any of it.
goodbye, yonson.
who got away? who was it?
endicott talking.
no -- nobody knows where he got the gun, but i think mollie malloy smuggled it in to him. he ran up the fire-escape, and went back in the infirmary window. then he got out through the skylight. he must have slid down the rain-pipe to the street.
no, i tell you! nobody knows where he got it.
call you back.
your honor, is there a red menace or ain't there?
what's the dope, sheriff?
who locked the door?
open up there, will you!
kind of exclusive, ain't you? we got calls to make, you know.
mollie malloy -- what happened to her?
she looks as though she's going to come to.
okay. up you go, mollie.
she'll be all right. the desk.
no luck on williams, yet -- call you back.
aw, nuts with chasing around any more. i spent a dollar-forty on taxis already.
it's easy for you to talk. you're retired. we're still working.
something smells around here. if you ask me mollie gave her the story on how williams got that gun. did you smuggle that gun into williams, mollie?
better let us in on it, mollie.
i tell you, it's a screwy set-up. we better hold onto 'em both.
wait a minute! what murderer did you catch, hildy?
hold on to her, jimmy -- she's in with hildy on this.
hildy, are you gonna cross us for walter burns after the way you told him off?
what do you mean, you know?
now, where is he?
do you want us to call the cops and have them give you the boots?
put down that chair!
probably goin' out to get williams.
make them talk and you got williams, pinky!
hold the phone!
williams was unconscious when they opened the desk --
an anonymous note received by the sheriff led to williams' capture. more later.