i gave strict orders that nobody was to interview williams without my permission. now, wait a minute! i'm not afraid of anything. what were you going to write about williams? oh, that'll be all right, hildy. go ahead, run it. and you can say i treated him well, too. 'lo, earl. how are you feeling? that's good, earl. oh, they've got another alienist to see you. he ought to be here any minute. don't go to sleep, will you? hildy, how'd you like a couple of tickets for the hanging? you ought to stay over. you always wrote a good hanging story, hildy. once and for all, i'm not going to hang anybody except at the legal hour. what? don't threaten me, bensinger! i'm not afraid of any newspapers. yeah?. oh, shut up! and, operator, i told you not to disturb me! i don't care who calls -- i don't want to be disturbed again till i tell you! how do you like that, dr. egelhoffer? want me to hang williams at their convenience! you said it! me, too. well, i don't know if that's ethical. you see, all statements are supposed to come from me. a joint interview, eh? that might be all right. we could have our pictures taken together, doctor. it doesn't matter. the publicity's the main thing. yeah, you don't want to tire him out, doctor. i don't know -- if the mayor wants me, he knows where i am. what went off? a fine fair-weather friend you are! after all i've done for you -- i'm very disappointed in you, hildy johnson. just a minute! we've got him located. where he used to live. you can catch the riot squad -- it's just going out. i ain't got time, fred, honest. i'll see you after. the professor asked me for it -- i thought it was for something scientific! there'll be no red uprising! now, listen, fred. just give me a few hours before you make any decisions. i'll get results. i'm doing everything humanly possible. i've just sworn in four hundred deputies. i'm getting them for twelve dollars a night. if you're talking about my brother- in-law, he's worked for the city fifteen years. what do you mean -- through? fred! fred, i don't know what to say. a thing like this almost destroys a man's faith in human nature. our families, fred. i've always looked on bessie as my own sister. there is a way out. i've got williams surrounded, haven't i? what more do you want? hello. yes. hello! four hundred suppers! nothing doing! this is a man-hunt -- not a banquet!. the twelve dollars includes everything!! that gives you an idea of what i'm up against! well, there's a lot of communistic sympathizers around -- but we're going to hang him, fred. he can't get away. ah! for me! i'm sheriff hartman. you want me? for who? the governor gave me his word of honor he wouldn't interfere. two days ago! read it! insane, he says. he knows very well that williams ain't insane! an attempt to ruin us! we got to think fast before those lying reporters get hold of this. what'll we tell 'em? ah, fred -- hello. this is hartman -- sssh. wait, fred. what?. where?. where? holy moses! they got him! wait a minute -- hold the wire. they got earl williams surrounded -- the riot squad has -- in his house. i did. hold the wire. no -- don't out me off. well, wait a minute, will you? i'm in conference. hold your horses -- will you, olsen? hurry up, fred! will you wait, olsen? i'll tell you in a minute! just one second -- just -- one -- second! what? i don't know, fred. there's that reprieve if they ever find out. hello, olsen. listen. shoot to kill. that's the orders pass the word along. no! we dont want him! and listen, olsen, five- hundred bucks for the guy that does the job. yes, i'll be right out there. well, i hope that's the right thing to do. if we didn't have election tuesday i'd have this on my conscience. just a minute, johnson! hold her, boys! you can't bluff me, burns. i don't care who you are or what paper you're editor of. hang onto her! keep her in here! johnson, there's something very peculiar going on. i wasn't born yesterday. now the boys tell me you and this mollie malloy -- you'll ask me to what? close that door. don't let anybody in or out. johnson, i'm going to the bottom of this. what do you know about williams? are you going to talk or aren't you? all right, boys. take her along. i got ways of making her talk. gimme that. where'd you get this? not this gun! oh, you did! well, that's very, very interesting. this happens to be the gun that earl williams shot his way out with! where is earl williams? where you got him? i'll give you three minutes to tell me where he is. what? speak up! what do you know about this. no? well -- johnson, you're under arrest. you, too, burns. i'll show you what i'm doing. burns, you're guilty of obstructing justice and so is the morning post. i'm going to see that the post is fined ten thousand dollars for this. we'll just start by impounding the post property. is that your desk? oh, you do, eh? all right, boys. confiscate that desk. you will, eh? well, we'll see about that. all right, boys. take it. we'll take a chance on that, burns. go ahead, boys. what's the idea here? what? just a minute. did -- did -- -- this man have anything to do with it? what about this, burns? kidnapping, eh? did you get the mayor? hiding him? in here? what was that? aha! i thought so! stand back, everybody! get your guns out! don't take any chances. shoot through the desk. you stand there! you there! you cover the window. no, you don't! now then, everybody aim at the center. and when i say three -- all right! carl! frank! one of you get on each side of the desk. take hold of the cover. now then! we got you covered, williams. don't try to move. now! everybody quiet and ready for an emergency. i'm going to count three. one! two! everybody ready? all right. now then, up with it. got you, williams! put the cuffs on those two! hello, girlie -- gimme cooley. quick! look kind o' natural, don't they, fred? aiding an escaped criminal! and a little charge of kidnapping i'm looking into. but that's the jail! there must be somebody there! cooley?. i caught williams single- handed -- we're going to proceed with the hanging per schedule! give me the district attorney's office. i'll tell you what you'll be doing -- making brooms in the state penitentiary. hello, d'arrasty! this is hartwell. come over to my office, will you? i've just arrested a couple of important birds and i want to take their confessions. get out of here, you! throw him out, frank. it's a frame-up! some imposter! that's a lie!! i was just going to! i was only doing my duty. nothing personal in it. and so do i!