a little more round the chin, boss. oh, i ain't doing that any more. i'm retired. i'm one of you fellas now -- a newspaper man. my name is louis peluso. down western avenue. we were going sixty-five miles an hour. you know what i mean? i'm telling you! we run smack into a police patrol. you know what i mean? we broke it in half! i'm telling you. can you imagine bumping into a load of cops?! they come rollin' out like oranges! search me! when i come to i was running down thirty-fifth street. was i? the driver got knocked cold. what do you mean, i handed her? the patrol wagon was on the wrong side of the street. i don't think she's talking much. you know what i mean? say, me with a gun on my hip and a kidnapped old lady on my hands, i should stick around asking questions from a lot of cops! you know what i mean? western an' thirty-fourth. anything you want, boss. who do you want? you know me. the shirt off my back. sure, boss. i always have both. all right, judge. quiet! i think it's going to work out all right this time.