don't pester me now, please. i got a lot on my mind. have you seen sheriff hartman? not an iota. in what way can an unavoidable misfortune of this sort influence the duty of every citizen, colored or otherwise? hartman, i've been looking for you! pete, i want to talk to you! did you actually give williams that gun? pete, i've got a mighty unpleasant task to perf -- what red uprising? you can quote me as saying that anything the governor says is a tissue of lies. we've got to go somewhere private, pete. i've got to talk to you straight from the shoulder. four hundred! do you want to bankrupt this administration? twelve dollars! -- for those rheumatic uncles of yours? out shooting everybody they see for the fun of it? pete, you're through! i mean i'm scratching your name off the ticket tuesday and running czernecki in your place. it's nothing personal. and, pete -- it's the only way out. it's a sacrifice we all ought to be glad to make. now, pete! please don't appeal to my sentimental side. i wish you wouldn't talk like that, pete. if there was any way out. we're up against a lot more than that with that nutty slogan you invented: 'reform the reds with a rope'. williams ain't a red, and you know it! i know it! but they've got nothing to do with this case! do you realize there are two hundred thousand votes at stake and unless we hang earl williams we're going to lose 'em? what do you mean he can't get away?! he got away, didn't he? who's out there? what do you want? what's from the governor? w-wait a minute. and you fell for it, pete. it frightens me what i'd like to do to you. who else knows about this? get the governor on the phone! fishing! duckshooting! how do you like that. a guy does nothing more strenuous for forty years than play pinochle -- he gets elected governor and right away he thinks he's tarzan! pure politics! dementia praecox oh-h-h! tell 'em the party is through in this state on account of you. and you can tell 'em as an afterthought that i want your resignation now! what is it? tell 'em to hold the wire. cover up that transmitter! now, listen! you never arrived here with this -- reprieve. get it? how much do you make a week? how much do you make a week? what's your salary? how would you like to have a job for three hundred and fifty dollars a month. that's almost a hundred dollars a week! who do you think! now, listen. there's a fine opening for a fellow like you in the city sealer's office. the city sealer's office! yes, yes! why not? but you could bring 'em in here! we'll pay all your expenses. for heaven's sake, why not? no, they wouldn't -- they'd gain one! and i guarantee that they'll graduate with highest honors! now what do you say? no, it doesn't. now, remember: you never delivered this. you got caught in the traffic, or something. now, get out of here and don't let anybody see you. come in and see me in my office tomorrow. what's your name? all right, mr. pinkus, all you've got to do is lay low and keep your mouth shut. here! go to this address. it's a nice, homey little place, and they'll take care of you for the night. just tell 'em fred sent you. and here's fifty dollars on account. i'll explain it tomorrow! no! it's easy -- it's very easy! we'll fix that, too. all right. tell 'em to shoot to kill. shoot to kill, i said. nobody reprieved that policeman he murdered. now, do as i tell you. now take that guilty look off your face, pete -- and stop trembling like a horse. fine work, pete! you certainly delivered the goods. i'm proud of you. a sight for sore eyes! well! looks like about ten years apiece for you birds! your luck's not with you now! all the lawyers in the world aren't going to help you! the power of the press, huh! get out of here! who is this man? you're insane! you drunken idiot! arrest him! the idea of coming here with a cock-and- bull story like that! i never saw him before! that's absurd on the face of it, mr. burns! he's talking like a child. he's insane or drunk or something. why, if this unfortunate man, williams, has really been reprieved, i personally am tickled to death. aren't you, pete? that's a horrible thing to say, miss johnson, about anybody! now, look here, walter, you're an intelligent man -- take those handcuffs off our friends, pete. that wasn't at all necessary. walter, i can't tell you how badly i feel about this. there was no excuse for hartwell to fly off the handle. sheriff, this document is authentic! earl williams has been reprieved, this commonwealth has been spared the painful necessity of shedding blood. what did you say your name was -- pinkus? a very fine-looking women. i understand perfectly, mr. pinkus, and as long as i am mayor -- don't make any hasty decisions, mr. burns, you might run into a thumping big libel suit. now, my old friend the governor and i understand each other perfectly. so do you what, you hoodoo! and now, mr. pinkus, if you'll come with us, we'll take you over to the warden's office and deliver this reprieve.