i've been lookin' for you tramps. a lot of wise guys, ain't you? i want to tell you what i think of you -- all of you. if you was worth breaking my fingers on, i'd tear your face wide open. you crumbs have been making a fool out of me long enough! i never said i loved earl williams and was willing to marry him on the gallows! you made that up! and about my being his soul-mate and having a love-nest with him. that's a lie! i met mr. williams just once in my life when he was wandering around in the rain without his hat and coat on, like a sick dog, the day before the shooting. i went up to him like any human being would and i asked him what was the matter, and he told me about being fired after working at the same place for fourteen years, and i brought him up to my room because it was warm there. just because you want to fill your lying paper with a lot of dirty scandal, you got to crucify him and make a stooge out of me! i tell you he just sat there talking to me -- all night. and never once laid a hand on me. in the morning he went away, and i never saw him again till that day at the trial! go on, laugh! i'd like to know some curses bad enough for your greasy souls! sure, i was his witness -- the only one he had. yes -- me -- cheap little mollie malloy! i'm everything the district attorney said i was. and still i was the only one with guts enough to stand up for him! i told the truth and the district attorney knows it! that's why you're persecutin' me! because earl williams treated me decent and not like an animal -- and i said so! it's a wonder a bolt of lightning don't come down and strike you all dead! shame on you! a poor little fellow that never meant nobody no harm! sitting there alone this minute with the angel of death beside him, and you cracking jokes! they're not human! it wasn't the lord! it was the devil! where are they gone? you know where they are? they got him surrounded some place -- gonna shoot him like a dog! what do you mean? what's that? there's somethin' funny going on around here. of course i believe you. that's all right, mr. williams. you're a woman. you got to help us. you got to get him out of here, some place where i can take care of him. no -- i'll never let 'em! they'll get him! they'll get him! go on! please! i'll be right here. i won't leave you. what's the idea? hey -- yeah, i'm feelin' fine. i didn't do nothin'. she never told her that! let go! wait! you stool-pigeons! she don't know where williams is. i'm the one that knows. go find out, you heels! you don't think i'm gonna tell! i ain't gonna squeal! i ain't goin' to! don't you come near me, you kidney foot! let me alone or i'll knock your heads off! no, you don't! keep away! you'll never get it out of me! i'll never tell! never!