by me. if you ask us, no. if you ask the state alienists, the answer is yes. hello, harvard! got anything new on the hanging? that must be the tenth alienist they've had on williams. even if he wasn't crazy before, he would be after ten of those babies got through psychoanalyzing him. gimme the desk. yeah? what did he ever do for his country? this is murphy. more slop on the hanging. ready? the sheriff's just put two hundred more relatives on the payroll to protect the city against the red army -- which is leaving moscow in a couple of minutes. up a dime. and to prove to the voters that the red menace is on the level, the sheriff has written himself four more letters, threatening his life. i know he wrote 'em on account of the misspellings. what have you got, hildy? that's good. well, a guy can win when hildy ain't around. she says she's gonna write fiction. hello, mollie. keep your shirt on. what are you sore about, sweetheart? wasn't that a swell story we gave you? go into your dance! this is the press room. we're busy. you guys wanna play some more poker? boy, did you see her go? send us a postcard, kid. cooley! what's the matter what's happened? look out where you're aiming, will you? the crime commission has offered a reward of ten thousand dollars for williams' capture. no clue yet as to earl williams' whereabouts. here's a little feature though: there's been an accident about a tear bomb -- yeah -- tear bomb. criminals cry for it. this tear bomb went off unexpectedly in the hands of sheriff hartman's bombing squad. four of mr. hartman's deputy sheriffs were rushed to the hospital -- the names are merwyn d. mayor, who is the mayor's brother-in-law -- howard shenken, the sheriff's uncle on his mother's side -- william lungren, who is the sheriff's landlord, and lester bartow who married the sheriff's niece. you remember, the very homely dame. call you back. any dope yet on how he got out? how do you suppose williams got that gun? say, your honor, what effect's this jail-break going to have on the colored voters? so have we! who engineered this getaway? where is he? hildy, i thought you were gone -- some hallowe'en goin' on outside. the whole police force standing on it's ear. murphy talking. sure, mollie, you never looked better in your life. say, hildy, if i know you, you sound pretty anxious to get rid of us. are you trying to scoop us or something? oh, you two are pals now -- i think you're right, endicott. mollie did give her some kind of story. where does she get that stuff? what do you know about it? how do you know she didn't? who you holding out on? come clean, or we'll make you wish you had -- come on, you! before we slap you down. where is he, before we beat it out of you? come on, fellas. there she is! we want to see you. you're not going anywhere. she's got the story sewed up, pete. that's why burns is here. come on, pinky! give 'em a little third degree. it's the last time i ever trust a woman, hildy. can that! where is he? hiding him where? i'll have it in a minute. -- tried to shoot it out with the cops but his gun wouldn't work, so -- an old sweetheart of williams' doublecrossed him. call you back.