i couldn't plead insanity, because you see i'm just as sane as anybody else. of course not. i couldn't kill anybody -- it's against everything i've ever stood for. they know it was an accident. they're not hanging me for that -- they're hanging me for my beliefs. they're very simple. i believe in the golden rule. i'm not the first man to die for preaching it. but if they would only listen to it -- we could have a fine, decent world instead of this mass of hate that makes man do such cruel things. i'd do away with the profit system and have production for use only. there's enough food and clothing and shelter for everybody if we'd use some sense. it's the only answer. everything has a use and if we let it be used for its purpose, we could solve all our problems. food was meant to be eaten, not stored away in restaurants while poor people starved; clothing was meant to be worn, not piled up in stores while people went naked. doesn't that make sense? a gun? why -- to shoot, of course. sure. you see, i'd never had a gun in my hand before and i didn't know what to do with it. well, when i get stuck, i know that there's an answer for everything in production for use. so it came to me in a flash: what's a gun for? to shoot! so i shot. simple isn't it? there's nothing crazy about that, is there? miss mollie malloy. she's a wonderful person. yes. isn't she beautiful? fine, thanks, sheriff. i won't. don't forget about production for use. are you gentlemen all through with me? the system. but i'm not afraid to die, doctor. i'm dying for what i believe. in a legal sense, yes. but not actually. actually, i'm innocent. i didn't do anything. i hope you're pretty nearly through with me, doctor, i'm getting a little fatigued. yes, sir. well, it wasn't exactly that way -- now can i go, please? drop that phone -- you're not going to phone anybody where i am. yes -- that's right. production for use. don't move! maybe you're my friend and maybe you're not -- but don't come any nearer. you can't trust anybody in this crazy world. say, i'll bet i could shoot you from here. no, no, you're right. i don't want to kill anybody. all i want to do is be let alone. what's that? only -- you're getting too near. i don't trust anybody. keep away! i guess i used all the shells. oh, i'm awful tired. i couldn't go through another day like this. wakin' me up in the middle of the night -- talkin' to me about things they don't understand. callin' me a bolshevik. i'm an anarchist. it's got nothin' to do with bombs. it's the philosophy that guarantees every man freedom. you see that, don't you? i wish they'd take me back and hang me. i done my best. hello, mollie. don't cry, mollie, there's nothing to cry about. down the drainpipe. i didn't mean to shoot him. you believe me, don't you, mollie? i forgot to thank you for those roses. they were beautiful. let 'em take me. it's better that way. what good'll it do? they'll find me anyhow. go on -- shoot me!